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Everything posted by Birds

  1. How many people want Leigh banned from VWL?
  2. Yeah? Try running a lap around it, it's actually pretty big
  3. Know that feel bro
  4. Shit's gone up in value lately; not many who can afford
  5. Remember when we were both bulking and we are sundaes in the maccas carpark together nohomo
  6. The world isn't made for tall people with a bit of muscle
  7. I'm finding this myself and my legs aren't even big Forget about jeans, I can't even bend my legs in them This is in thanks to my big ass from all the ATG squats I've done over the years... I get in the car with jeans on and I know I have a plumbers crack going on Worse, I have a long torso at the abdomen and a thin waist so any pants that do fit either look too big on my waist or tight on my legs
  8. Creatine gives you a lot of muscular water retention from memory
  9. I was ~81kg ~11% but got on a bulk to build more muscle especially my legs...peaked at 92kg and now at 88...another 3kg would have me fairly lean again
  10. Tell your gf the cheaper alternative comes from farms that give less of a shit about the animals
  11. Enjoy washing your Tupperware containers, Indian
  12. This I wouldn't describe 1/4 of their population living in poverty as an incredible lifestyle, but hey, I like water and food
  13. Nothing wrong with broccoli only But you can buy some mixed steam fresh veggies - chuck in the microwave for a minute and done. Doesn't taste as good but you're not eating vegetables for taste.
  14. Hop on eastlink and get off at burwood hwy - goodlife wantirna 4 u
  15. Yep hence the strength decrease She's down to 61.5kg body weight 60 is the goal before the end of the year - can be done easily by not eating, but we're trying to maintain as much strength and muscle as possible so it's a slow process. No calorie counting though, I've taken all junk foods out of her diet and introduced a little HIIT. I'm cutting a bit myself for summer and it's really fking with my own strength - bench press has dropped by 5kg
  16. Unsure if that's a Pat reference?
  17. Nah not if you're a willing participant You have to want change
  18. My way is quicker but more painful yes
  19. Give me $5000 and I'll make you 90kg
  20. What do you currently weigh Moh and at what height
  21. Knots is where it's at Also, that smell of fuel around a 2 stroke outboard or 350 inboard is possibly the best smell in the world I reckon wakeboarding is easier than kneeboarding, was up first try on a wakey but kneeboard took a few goes
  22. Wakeboarding is amazing, will be worth the fiberglass impregnation once finished Simon... Had my last hens party ever on sat Dad's birthday in the evening Slept in Sunday - doing nothing on some weekends is underrated
  23. What sort of condition are the tail lights in?
  24. Mohsen's car NM
  25. And have your family go up in flames? No thanks!
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