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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Suspected head gasket Temperature shot up during my third lap at PI, steam coming into the cabin lol Also blew out the turbo inlet gasket
  2. The downside of Shorten's universal unpopularity is the dedicated left swinging away from Liberal instead to the Greens
  3. You already knew about a hipster culinary business venture? Impossibru #hipsterception
  4. Cue Hamish rage
  5. TrackAddict will work fine with most external GPS including the XGPS series - it's the phone and bluetooth compatability that is the question. but yeah, if you're only wanting laptimes, all you're gonna care about is that it logs the start and finish coordinates...in which case internal is fine for accuracy stated above. It just may not give you great looking race lines layed over a circuit (I found it did quite well at PI).
  6. rola4lyf
  7. It seems I've done a Greg
  8. Alloy radiator a drop in job or require mods?
  9. That's two awards in one year if it also poles for faggot of the year, which it should
  10. Hamish, have you?
  11. Music is timeless
  12. He's got you there, Nexus
  13. For those not on my snapchat Putting a lot of guys to shame
  14. Birds

    Spotted Thread

    Why would he stop; gotta go home to wife and kid/s every day and tell them what hero he is making a difference to the world by bullying young car enthusiasts and keeping the streets safe from the horrors of an air filter and intercooler combination. Have heard while chatting during pullovers, a few of his colleagues throw slighted comments my way about him...so that says a lot about him and his crusade if his own friends are talking shit about him. I think on the whole HWP aren't well respected amongst the rest of the force.
  15. When I had pho in 'nam I paid the woman extra to dump a shitload of meat in there so it was effectively a swamp of meat, but at least it didn't taste like dishwater anymore
  16. battlelinesaustralia
  17. This and pretty much any poor people food born out of necessity that has since been made into something of a western delicacy
  18. Have an app called TrackAddict that I found worked very well at PI - was .02-.06 seconds off the natsoft times and that's through internal GPS (you can bluetooth to external)...enough variance for amateurs not to worry about
  19. Mohsen grow some facial hair you pimple faced teenage vagina
  20. My mate builds these but he charges more than 28k for them Good luck with purchase
  21. Thanks again for your help with the engine troubles - she ran pretty happy for the trip home. Jase and I noticed a blown turbo gasket too, so that was the high pitched squeal I was hearing when coming on boost. Driving on the street it now sounds like I have an ex gate
  22. Thanks SAU Vic and Andrew for the steak sandwich Had a blast today
  23. Having caught the track virus, am keen for this to finish off my brake pads!
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