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Everything posted by Birds

  1. f**k you pay me
  2. If the pressure changes with viscosity, the saying can apply...I'm not sure if the converse is true though
  3. Are you saying that the converse is not true?
  4. Not all sneakers are converse, but conversely all converse are sneakers
  5. Dark and angry? Really?
  6. Borci, Simon and myself are likely nabbing a garage for this - anyone else want in on it to bring down the cost?
  7. Hamish is especially fond of the English channel
  8. It's true Those channels teach you a lot of shit and a lot of love for engineering The Marina Bay Sands doco is pretty insane too
  9. Hey mate - how rain hardy are these, if you know? I want to put mine on for an upcoming track day but have avoided due to rain at the moment.
  10. Wouldn't wanna excavate the decrepit remains of STD infested OD'd hookers
  11. I just don't think he'll understand Hamish
  12. I get around spotify's premium account by adding only singles, going to my music and selecting the individual album or artist and clicking shuffle - 90% of the time it plays that specific song. Sometimes I have to use precious skips.
  13. Been a while since I've used iTunes but you can set it up so you drag and drop into it...
  14. I make my own music Sounds like shit
  15. Get Black Ops 3 I'll be gettin on that soon when I cbf buying an xbone
  16. Welcome to the good life Now put up with endless hate and post purchase dissonance from Android users while you carry on with your life
  17. Hate chrome so much I refuse to even test with it I'll check on Leesh's iPhone tonight, she has chrome.
  18. Safari iPhone user here - can't login using Safari on the iPhone, which I normally browse with. Can login and browse using desktop computer and the SAU app on my phone though.
  19. Original post gave me cancer
  20. Insurance feels less like continuously gambling when you lump sum it
  21. Was the cunt named Mohsen?
  22. Also don't make the mistake of registering a car as a birthday or Christmas present to yourself around those times - that's a fun present every year.
  23. As per Hamish post - it's exactly the same cost to give you the ironic lesson that you would have had to pay the same cost anyway. Not only, but they won't let you drive your car any further unless you pay your rego on the spot with your phone. So it potentially costs you circa $1500 for rego.
  24. Props to Scotty for welding up Leesh's exhaust for me on cup day. Better than new. In Greg-like fashion, the whole exhaust system dropped from her car while we were driving to the gym on Monday night - the only hanger holding the whole thing up broke its weld, so there I was kneeling in the gravel on the side of the road (don't do this ever, knees won't forgive), duct taping the muffler to the chassis for a get home fix. Servo guy looked at me accusingly when I ran inside dressed in black clothes and bought dishwashing gloves and duct tape but no petrol.
  25. Need a participation award for Greg at the end of the year
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