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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Bit short in the polls there
  2. Maybe he found out he was inadvertently funding a stanceworks car and couldn't cope with the sheer faggotry
  3. Car going in before Christmas so maybe a couple months after that?
  4. When Barry decides he wants it on the road
  5. Yeah well after it got stolen they sent me a note saying rego had been cancelled due to vehicle being stolen; I never questioned why I didn't get a refund cause I thought the rego was due not long after. As it turns out I had already renewed it and as it was expiring this month they sent me a note saying there's unused rego and did I want to claim it. Note from insurance company to say bike had been written off and suddenly I have some monies for the GTR rego lol
  6. Stolen motorbike rego refund from VicRoads...forgot that I had renewed it a month before it was stolen. It was a good day
  7. Have you ever seen a man eat his own head?
  8. The Yaris is worse, $1000 a wheel wtf?
  9. Free bump for the effort put into this ride - nicely done. A location might help with selling?
  10. Given the dwindling number of 33s on the road these days...it's more than likely been written off or crushed or raced
  11. All the more reason to buy genuine D1Rs
  12. Yeah
  13. Have an urge to watch jingle all the way
  14. Join us next time for chapter 26 of Mohsen In The Real World
  15. My god, reading some of the stupidity from motogp fans (mostly Rossi lovers) in reaction to this...just reminds me how stupid sports fans can be. Conspiracies about people purposely crashing, calling Lorenzo and Marquez gay lovers (specifically fgts), racist rants from Italians and Spaniards, boycotting the series, people trying to win the argument by asking each other how long they've been riding motorbikes for... And what's with the woodwork Rossi supporters this season...couldn't find any when he was riding with Ducati lol
  16. Slicks that have been cut in half
  17. Nah the lower end semis
  18. In 19s the cheapest you're gonna get grip with are tyres like KU36 and the lower end semis
  19. The worst are people pulling out of a slip lane in front of you as soon as you've taken off from the lights. Had a taxi do that lastnight and had to change lanes... Your car has a factory LSD Leigh? Need AD08Rs brah. If I owned your car and was into prinny runs I'd get a cheap set of wide 17s and put MTs on them, swap them over before you go out on Friday night haha.
  20. Prolly not as bad cause the only cars that can really upstage them are Ferraris I feel like these German flag donning Volkswagen owners are under some delusion they belong to the BMW/Mercedes crowd of luxury marques
  21. German flag emblem says it all - I bought a GERMAN car everybody, please look but do not touch.
  22. Properly raged
  23. Properly lol'd
  24. I take off from most lights to get in front of the traffic, but always look around for any hotted up / quick cars who will follow me and try a bit harder if there is. Never past the speed limit, maybe 2-3km/h over...incidentally the amount of speedo correction tolerance the authorities allow for.
  25. Woah woah...not the street, this is Calder Park baby...
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