That would make sense but I was actually ahead from the get go. Maybe shit reaction time from him but AD08Rs are great at launching.
He did show me his launch at the next lights and it moved but not impressively so. Seen GTRs move quicker off the line.
Have been an Abbott supporter for some time, but he's gone full retard on me, signing up to some guest speaker thing over in the states...doing speeches for $40,000 a pop...because speaking was always his strong point as our prime minister.
I think if it was up to Barry and profitable, that's all he'd do. Still cannot fathom how someone who works on Skylines and Supras day in and day out is still enthused and excited to talk about them, moreso than most enthusiasts.
35mm is a huge difference in size for bolts in a crucial application; I'm surprised it was not picked up just looking at them if they've done arp bolts on that engine before. Perks of someone who regularly/mostly works on only a few types of engines I guess, which is why RP spotted that my injectors looked ever so slightly different to 555s.
Customer supplied items, especially second hand...should always check they match up with specs.
I'm glad RacePace did this when I supplied them with wrx injectors lol, which look exactly like nismo 555s except the spray pattern and slight pintle cap difference
This is where I'm grateful of Barry's OCD; I feel like that's something he would check, even if that check was a randomly scribbled note on a whiteboard somewhere in the workshop lol
Have to agree there. Ironically less chance of them getting away with it or worse, getting fked up by the perpetrator.
Laws are powerless to do shit against the real crims and the crims take advantage of this.
You can't even lock someone up who threatens to do stuff. Even an intervention order needs a valid reason, that can be challenged and you can be sued for allegations if it doesn't go through.