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Everything posted by Birds

  1. I don't know about that, in a world where western countries have kids just to get handouts and in some countries children are born and sold into slavery, it would not surprise me if some are used as tools, possessions and pathways to better lives. I think some would get on board legitimately not understanding how risky it is getting here and the slim shady chances of getting in. Slimmer now.
  2. What other promises? I'm open to being enlightened, but any I've seen that they have not been achieved yet can/have arguably been the result of severe cockblocking from the rest of the house. It's a stalemate government and that's never going to get much done, let alone the reversal of an unseen debt.Not saying Abbott et al have been doing a stellar job; I think Australian politics on the whole is in a mess and I think most would agree with that, but the leftist media (in particular the communist ABC party) have been giving him a damn hard run ever since he took office. I don't envy the position he had and any government Labor or Liberal were going to cop a hard slog in this term with a shit ton of debt and Pat's pay packet coming to a steady close.
  3. It was actually an issue at the last election, that even Labor when in power acknowledged and tried (failed) to address. Whether you agree with the methods they used to stop boats arriving on shores, he said they would cull the numbers when he went to election and they did. I don't mind people attacking the liberal party or Abbott personally (merely the face of a party?) for things seen as failings, but people seem to be attacking for the things they've succeeded in doing such as pursuing an election stance on a couple of key issues from the last election.
  4. I agree, what a muppet cutting off the video at that point instead of showing the part where he explained how that statement actually related to the economy, not that the leftist nutjobs / greenies can comprehend the burden illegal immigration places on it. Pretty much how that interview was received by Labor supporters: Comments made me lol...every one of them saying Abbott is a dickhead etc. etc. but not a single one explaining in a rational and reasonable way why, just a shit truck of misunderstanding/assumption about how politics works. Might as well say tezza down the pub said he was a bit of a dickhead so yeah fk him mate. Glad I rarely side with these guys in an election.
  5. It won't give you more power low down It will make the gearing taller, thus requiring more torque to get off the line = less wheelspin with a larger displacement engine, but the other advantage is you will be able to carry first and second a little further top speed wise.
  6. Probably still arguing that a government should be stable?
  7. I like Shorten, he has all the hallmarks every Labor leader should have, including the ability to lose an election
  8. I like the look of Asics shoes, but have always liked trainers and running shoes. Maybe it's just the white person in me.
  9. People were low siding?
  10. Helmet sounds a tad loose? Though that could just be having no wind deflector? As for laptimes get a GPS app for track days! Pumped for PI later this year in the car.
  11. Top speed on straight? Best lap?
  12. Are you running in them or just casual? Have been using Kayanos as running shoes for years, updating them every other year. Such a good shoe. I wear them as casual / around the house for their comfort. It's like Jap cars versus Italian; Nike have the style, but the execution and tech isn't there.
  13. Found someone who makes Hamish look mainstream and...not ironic.
  14. In Vietnam it's an honour to eat off the floor
  15. Not enough uni students serving meals in Indian/Chinese restaurants; doesn't give the same atmosphere of inferiority in the air
  16. Get yourself a cheese and fries for 2.95 faggot
  17. Is that a swatch watch? Do you know what time it is?
  18. Peasant
  19. http://fortune.com/2014/08/10/ceos-swatches/
  20. This is why I lift myself, but in a competition people are comparing themselves each other (and it's nice to know what you are coming up against). That's the definition of a comp even if everyone is there primarily to better their previous meet and support each other. There's still a 1st 2nd and 3rd place. I know in the novice comp I attended, I didn't expect to place, but I certainly wanted to see how I stacked up against everyone else strength wise (except for my squat, because I knew that would be shit) and when I saw a clearly roided up "novice" lifter hit the stage, I admit it took the fun out of that comparison a bit. Now that could be my fault for not getting on the gear myself in an untested fed, or simply the nature of the beast that you never know who you're against. But for me it's like raw and equipped lifts, yet not being able to see who is wearing a bench shirt or wraps. You can call it finding an excuse for not being as strong and it may well be...competitive people love to find excuses for why we aren't as good as others, but that doesn't mean the excuse is invalid. Just my opinion on it all; I'm not loyal to any one federation and don't follow the sport closely enough to be divided on them.
  21. 10% is a fair whack of difference IMO when you're talking 1000kg+ totals etc. I also argue that those tested world records are only tested for what they can find. New drugs are being synthesised on the daily and when those lifters take every supplement under the sun that isn't illegal or detectable, you may as well be on the illegal stuff. Anyway I'd support an untested Olympics...I'd like to see the best of the best from the human body, assisted or not, rather than hope the people who won didn't cheat everyone else out of a level playing field.
  22. Didn't vacc Didn't get it Actually maybe I did, I don't know...I was pretty sick for a week and spent two days in bed but could have been a bad cold Being on next year
  23. Fun yes, but fun in the same way that 56k players used to have against cable internet users playing online games like counterstrike haha
  24. I'd laugh if there wasn't a jet ski display
  25. Testosterone boosting is probably a good place to start, from what I've read. It's at least produced by the body and easier to cycle on and off. Also easier to get a legal prescription for... Though somehow I don't think that was a serious question...
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