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Everything posted by Birds

  1. There was a female physique contest and some of these women had nearly as much muscle as me...they were either genetically gifted, the world's hardest working women, or using a bit of jungle juice
  2. I attended the INBA in Perth last weekend - this is one comp where I could comfortably *guess* most of the attendees aren't on juice, at least the guys. The most muscular of the classes had guys about a foot shorter than me and significantly less muscle. Actually felt like if I shredded up I could compete. But then, they can always use and get to a point and then get off them...you just never know. Either way the emphasis was more on shredding and abs than muscle size. They even wore long shorts because it's not even about legs - so many leg day skippers. Me from 5 years ago would have loved it.
  3. Yes it is rife with it. It's human nature to take shortcuts (this isn't the reason for all users using) and do what they can to get ahead, just like it's human nature to fear what we don't understand (not all non-users). You can get plenty strong without PEDs, no doubt. But your strongest natural lifter and your strongest juicer aren't even close. Markos had 90kg (possibly less) lifters pulling those numbers you just posted. I don't want to get into that whole users vs non users and workout intensity thing, because both users and non have hard working people who put in just as much as each other. There is also a lot that genetics can offer that PEDs can't. But unless you have freak level natural test levels, the same lifter putting in equal dedication and intensity, juice will bring them above none. That's just biology and arguing otherwise would be like saying laxatives don't make people shit easier. Now I *can* believe your 110kg total of 760 is natural - it's massively strong and I give it the benefit of the doubt because I like to trust people. But I also don't believe it; I take it with a grain of salt because I've got no proof it is natural. Nor do I have proof it's not natural. And neither do you. The reality is, neither of us know this for real unless you spend 24/7 absolutely every minute with this guy and I'm not gonna take his or yours or anyone else's word for it - I don't care how good a mate he is or how hard he works. The sad reality of his pilgrimage is that if he's that strong without PEDs then he's always gonna be compared and grouped with users. And I'm not saying the guy sounds like a liar, but liars sound like him...and every one of us.
  4. Whether management condone it or not, if a fed (and further to this, a sport on the whole) is untested, it's a very safe assumption that at the least the top performing athletes in that fed are using all and sundry to maintain their competitive advantage. Actually, you wouldn't be blamed for thinking most competing in that fed are juicing either, otherwise you'd be wasting your time competing for any glory beyond personal gain because it'll never be a level playing field. You'd be stupid not to use. And then there are those who don't necessarily want to take gold at a meet, but are surrounded by the culture and their own personal aspirations to get the most out of themselves = easy path to PED use. If I was competing PL in an untested fed I would use, as would I if I was also a competing bodybuilder. But I'm neither of those and my curiosity for personal strength...for now...does not outweigh my desire not to use PEDs. It's rife in the elite division of every physical sport in the world, tested and untested (yes, even the bikini division of natural bodybuilding). In fact, by allowing this to happen with the knowledge that it does happen and no initiatives to prevent it, you are unofficially condoning it within your sport/fed. Now I don't have any problems at all with steroid use or feds or sports where it happens. Personally I prefer untested feds/sports because you know what you're getting - whatever the lifter has access to. With tested and "natural" events, all you know is that lifters passed a drug test for some selected drugs and not necessarily everything they use or anything they have used and stopped using. This then becomes about who can cheat the system best. Where it gets sticky for me, is that people like Markos say that it is up to the lifter to look after their supplementation/diet, legal or illegal, and this is none of his business or anyone else's - well Markos isn't stupid, he's well aware of what CAPO have been through with scrutiny regarding illegal drugs. So that is obviously his professional standpoint as an executive of GPC not condoning the use of illegal drugs...and I agree with it...to an extent. It's no one's business, until you start offering people the illusion that one can train at these gyms associated with a particular fed, without using PEDs, and achieve similar results of the athletes put on display. Now to be fair, the gyms aren't exactly claiming that you can, but they surely do understand that when they promote a lifter like this and compare lifts to average joe (which average joe will do vice versa), they are indirectly marketing achievements not attainable without the use of PEDs...er...supplementation left to the lifter to decide whether they use or not.
  5. Hence blue rays
  6. Is IPF tested?
  7. What do terrorists have in common with stancefags? Both turn cars into bombs
  8. He seems pretty strong - do his programs cover supplementation etc. too?
  9. As long as we don't end up with an influx of stancefags, I don't care
  10. What's next car gonna be Leigh? RX7?
  11. Big Loser
  12. >assumes we all know who candito is That a Mexican crossfitter?
  13. Second hand D1Rs
  14. E85 preservation is useless to me given I use about 60 litres a week
  15. Related: E85 brahs; Indian guy conned me into this He may even have been Sri Lankan I guess that's not important It's supposed to clean out the fuel system of those sugar like deposits and prevent water build up blah blah. Most interesting is that it's supposed to keep E85 fresh for up to 12 months. Not sure if I buy any of it yet, but as long as it doesn't fk anything, don't see the harm other than my wallet losing $15. Thoughts?
  16. 16.7L/100km Ethanol mileage getting better I think 15 would be achievable with a leaner tune and less savage driving Also thank f**k unleaded has gone up in price
  17. Remember, remember, the 3rd of November The gallop, the canter and trot I know of no answer why the gallop and canter Should ever be forgot
  18. *godless I assume that was a troll thrown in for Christian gamers
  19. I feel like I'll get back there and they'll charge me compounding interest on the no excess fee.
  20. Nah don't need to, I paid their rort money so the most I can get ripped off is the $40 a day Rather not spend the weekend worrying about a fkin Micra when I park it or drive
  21. Also it's a Micra That excess is nearly half the cost of those rorting supercar companies
  22. Also I might have been out of the hire car game for a few years But $4000 standard excess? Or pay the fkin rort of $40 a day to have no excess? Really?
  23. Maccas clientele just makes me hate Australians Especially when immigrants are serving Which is 99% of the time at 1am
  24. He was originally chasing 34R wheels; your point is invalid
  25. $2k gets you four brand new D1R and half decent tyres to boot
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