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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Staged by anti gun people, as suggested by pro gun people?
  2. Also the 24pk of Kirks was $10...so much win
  3. I edited my post since you replied; is your reply still valid or null and void?
  4. I prefer brown Schweppes myself Right now I've got Kirks in a can, which I'm sure is a pink one...but I think the can is making it taste amazing, along with the fact it's icy cold. Best I've had was A&W (American brand) in a can. That was like vanilla essence in drinkable form.
  5. Just putting it out there Creaming/creamy soda is still the most amazing soft drink
  6. centrelinesaustralia
  7. Weighing in with Centreline experience Got ballpark quote around a grand for corner weighting, hicas bar delete and installing a bunch of bushes in the subframe / suspension (all parts supplied by me) Ended up around 1500 from memory... I asked what the deal and he said they spent like 10 hours installing shit and basically pulled apart the whole suspension, reckons he undercharged me on some labour to get it closer to the ballpark I then asked if that price includes the discount I'm supposed to get for SAU Vic membership He said you should have mentioned that when you first rang up (why, so you could price increase to factor in discount?), then said some shit about looking after any Skyline that comes in anyway As for the work itself, well no real complaints about that, just didn't expect to spend as much even though I had heard centreline weren't cheap
  8. Yeahhhh I'm gonna become a train driver. Start and finish work on time. No homework or stresses. Overly decent income.
  9. lol so hard when they tell him sorry we don't work on Toyotas, only luxury cars
  10. Got grease all up in ya grill Tryna get you to pay the bill You must be a real estate agent Did you get this sellin to those Asians Ahhh topical wasteland
  11. Take photos outside their workshop before you hand it over to them
  12. Welcome to the world of modified cars - you're sabotaging it from the get go, gotta take everything that comes with it, including workshop risks. Like I said put a seat cover on it and a floormat...I do this and the only grease I ever end up with is on the steering wheel and door handle. They only get in your car to move it on and off a hoist. But if your rear suspension towers are accessed through the rear seats good luck lol
  13. So again, take it to a Lexus dealer
  14. Al vs. the world
  15. Related Once had a guy book his Holden HQ into my workshop for gearbox work - told us on the phone that it had just been restored and painted so he didn't wanna see a single scratch on it. Thought wanker, but whatever. He rocked up and the fkin thing had dings and scratches everywhere. I told him to f**k off.
  16. Put mechanic's seat covers on your seats and a floormat in your foot well Believe it or not, plenty of people are as protective about their 10k cars as you are about your penis extension and have their cars looked after by most workshops If you're that concerned, tell the workshop beforehand that you don't wanna see any marks on the interior
  17. RacePace usually give you a max power run just for potential then dial it back for safety; pretty conservative tunes IMO But most tuners who have been around a long time are these days, unless customer requests every last kw - it's not in their interests to have customer cars shattering pistons
  18. Get Lexus to swap it over brah Gotta understand the costs that come with luxury car ownership
  19. Do you think workshops treat more expensive cars with more disdain than cheaper imports?
  20. Soulless ginger / immortal
  21. Wife wants a Toyota http://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/459253-how-to-reset-pit-warning-on-dash-for-nissan-cima-2001/#entry7594348 Whipped as f**k
  22. Ric Your favourite colour http://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/459263-series-3-r33-gtr-for-sale-melbourne/
  23. Maybe other people can build RPM 2.8s
  24. That might be Hamish's racepace dyno theory coming into playPrevious owner of GTR dynoed it with the GT-SS and said he got about 350awkw - could easily have been full of shit but even close to that I can see another 50kw from another 400cc and E85. In any case I'm not too worried - I have no doubts I'll end up with -5s down the track but definitely wanna see what the small turbos can do in the low and midrange with the big engine. I think it'll be linear like standard XR6 turbos, only with a bucketload more pull.
  25. Lost it
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