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Yeah I think I've had a good run. 10 years of riding on/off and not a single accident + only one drop. That's enough to say I've had my fun.For some, riding is a lifestyle they couldn't go without and will get back on the saddle crash after crash and I respect that. They all know it's dangerous but not worth living if they can't ride. For me it was always one of many hobbies and can easily be sidled for the sake of self preservation
She knows she couldn't stop me if I really wanted one, but it is a factor in staying away from them. I was a tad more reckless when single and that's certainly when I was doing my stupid shit. I wasn't a fantastic rider, but I was braking into 30km/h hairpins after short 160-170km/h straights - if I wasn't on the gas I was on the brakes, trying to smash PB times on Mountain Hwy.
No problems with that, you can learn road skills with a powerful bike, the only thing that makes it more dangerous is if you don't respect the throttle / go smashing speed limits. Aside from that the risks are the same as a learner legal or any other bike. It's seriously good fun and I miss it but seeing death and rehabs and smashed bikes, I'm a little over it for now Might look into a cheap track bike though as that seems a lot safer and more fun.
You'll surprise yourself with how good you are at it Oh wait you're not in Australia...you'll be using big calibres and be average at it lol
Yeah and I wasn't exactly an angel on a bike either; should have gotten to the track much sooner instead of cooking brakes on the mountain passes at 1am. I think everyone should get their Ls though, it's a great lesson in fragility on the road and awareness of surroundings especially motorbikes.
I don't do the two wheel thing anymore Not saying I'll never get back into it But too many crashes close to home Feel it's only a matter of time and love life too much to risk it when there's plenty of fun without that risk or significantly lesser risk Sure is unbeatable fun for the first 3 months of Ls though
That's actually probably correct for 99% of people wanting faster internet than ADSL2 etc.
I think it works both ways It's not beyond governments to put in measures of control for budgeting, but there are also variables you can't account for. And if delegations and contractors were lined up during a previous reign of government that's a bit difficult to control. Forecasting an enormous project with so many variables is also very hard. I don't mind it blowing out within good reason, but when it's clear that private contractors are rorting or being rorted, that's when I feel not enough measures have been put in place or enough control exercised by governments. The insulation scheme, for example, should have been much better regulated than cheques written and contractors left to their own devices.
Who'd have thought government backed initiatives had anything to do with the government
Sif the Labor version wasn't going to blow out to 100 billion by dezz's second pay rise and bring 3 million homes a node to premise fire.
Does your bike have a steering damper? One of many good things about the Jap superbikes of the last 10 years
lol keep ya head down Phillip island straight on a naked = gonna have a bad time
You'd be surprised. Thought my R1 battery was small but it was 4.5kg - saved nearly 4kg by using lithium. That's a lot of unsprung weight on a bike. People pay thousands for that kind of weight saving.
Leigh go get an SSB lithium - will never go flat on you and you save 2-3kg of weight
Waitin for the buyers to come to him
That is seriously bad ass - a superhero-like story! Vigilante psychopharmacologist comes out of retirement to fight back against a new threat to brain chemistry... When parents are out of options... When hormones run amok... When benzodiazepines just don't do it for you anymore... Call...Terry...
I'm sure it'll work out for them in the end, can prolly borrow some money or something or tax will take care of it /greek
Birds replied to Gary2's topic in For Sale (Private Car Parts and Accessories)
I'd like to say on the whole that couriers in general are pretty shit and have frequent muck ups - you wouldn't think it be hard to pick up a parcel and deliver it but they all seem to have unreliable services from time to time and I've tried them all. As for forums and reading about experiences - you go googling that and you'll never find anything good said about it. How rare is it that someone will praise a courier company on the internet lol. Like those product review websites, average 1.5 stars for a product or service that is actually good, it's just 90% of the people on it are there to shitcan something. Truth is they do get it right most of the time or they simply wouldn't profit from it. They just do shitloads of deliveries and the ones that stand out are the ones that don't make it - "when you do things right people won't be sure you've done anything at all". Where TNT have bitten me before is sending stuff and them weighing it at their depot (or not weighing it and guessing the weight), making the cost significantly more. Once sent an aluminum gearbox bellhousing with TNT and they charged it at 100kg. I took a picture of my little finger holding up an identical bellhousing and captioned it "either I have the world's strongest pinky or you guys are full of shit". -
Funnier getting beaten by a Territory than a Pulsar
M8 Google + telephone Get to ringin brah and writing it all down - don't trust the hearsay of the internet. No offence intended, but if you're not prepared to do the basic background work on your own researching it etc., you're gonna have a bad time with the whole relocating a car process! It's pretty involved and takes a decent commitment of time and backup measures to ensure everything goes to plan. It's all insurance for the 40k+ or whatever you're gonna spend on the vehicle.
Old news mate, I already did that and on my way to retirement...Al will be serving me drinks when the housing bubble bursts
http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/08/20/warren-g-endorses-deez-nuts-for-president.html Think they need to regulate the presidential candidacy a bit better
Couldn't resist the allure of the RB20
Surely so much not cool makes it ironically cool
Wow that's extensive and comprehensive - wish I had that guide when I had a Candida overrun - might have shortened the process for me. Taking erythromycin (should be banned) killed all the good bacteria in my stomach. Left me fked. Candida makes you very tired/lethargic when you have the overrun. Not sure how accurate their information is, but some of those forums postulate it's from the toxins they release when they digest sugar and carbohydrates in your body. Whether they're correct or not, humans searching for a cure will try almost anything = sometimes dangerous and costly practices. Nothing drives someone to succeed like an ailment! Even energy sapping candida overrun! I managed to overcome mine by a strict diet of steak and broccoli. I was also taking probiotics, choc probiotic balls and yakult every day. It was tough sticking to this but I started feeling better after a week or two (candida had been with me for 2 months). I'd like to think this diet helped, but like so many alternative medicines you can never be 100% that time and the body's natural healing didn't help - osteos thrive on this!