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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Don't think boss has the upperhand - he's trying everything he can to get a definitive answer out of Simon, for whom it's a win win situation as he's dissatisfied with his current job and any change is a positive step. He also can't just replace Simon based on some workplace gossip, so no, he hasn't got any hand here...
  2. Stance will keep on her pants
  3. So in other words...butthurt
  4. I say he's still bluffing for an answer - play hard ball til the end Simon - he's pulling out all the stop cards until you budge
  5. Also I realise that's old
  6. Damn http://mobile.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/rachel-lehnardt-threw-naked-twister-party-for-teenage-daughter-and-had-sex-with-friends/story-fnq2oad4-1227305687206
  7. I really don't see how this isn't terrorism or sabotage or extortion.Like, strike and stay at home or picket, but to fk with the system and innocent people's daily lives like that is rat shit. Only reason medical personnel don't do it is because there are lives at stake but it's okay for these douchebags to cost the economy millions in lost productivity. I'm sure those graffiti people who stop the trains so they can tag them would get thrown in jail for years for doing effectively the same thing.
  8. Damn train drivers unhappy about their uneducated 90k salaries
  9. Wrong, the answer is Dezz Unrelated to the rail strike
  10. Define "normal"
  11. Better than being on a train without your luggage, no?
  12. At least you can make another one for free
  13. How do you delete it from time wasters?
  14. That's prolly why people are balancing the seitan protein with beans etc. so that it's all absorbed.
  15. Just make sure your fuel tank is always full, there's your surge tank
  16. Then the stamp duty fked with his luck
  17. Did you see an influx / any big prices on the 8/8?
  18. All good Anyway, in all seriousness and back on topic...i do recommend Edge to people looking for a good westside workshop...there's a reason I've joined a queue waiting for my stuff to get done haha. It feels like a car enthusiast haven in there.
  19. Country starts with a C and ends in A? Damn Canadians
  20. Is that 100gm with the water content taken out? Most lean meats are around 20gm P /100gm aren't they? Some of the vegan bodybuilding forums have talked about it but nothing scientific or conclusive. One or two people commented on bioavailability being poor, i.e. for all the protein to be absorbed you really need to balance it with other proteins. A lot of them supplemented their diet regularly with it though. I wouldn't give up meat for it but it's interesting that there's something versatile you could get easily and tastes good. That mock meat really was good.
  21. Agreed Better lawyer up for this gossip shit Simon Also get your Michael Douglas on Put the shitty production of the memory chips back onto them
  22. I don't know much about vegetarian foods, but I don't think this is soy/tofu...it's technically made from wheat if it's mostly gluten. Don't think this would be so different from the protein you find in wheat flour based breads etc. just in more concentrated form. The sweet and sour mock pork actually tasted like a slightly salty corn bread texture. Also western mock meats tend to be soy/tofu based like tofu burgers and soy sausages - this seems to be largely an Asian cuisine. From my quick googling there is no abundance of information on bodybuilding / supplement discussion forums or websites about mock meats and seitan, only vegetarian websites pointing vegetarians towards good meat alternative sources of protein.
  23. Dude is rattled; it's in your court son. Now volley the shit out of it by saying you'll be there as long as your extra 10k is too. BAM!
  24. Maybe if they were motivated they'd do their job properly Damn Hamish and his motiv8tion
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