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Pfft that only counts if you weren't getting the vagina beforehand Believe it or not this was my idea I think it's a pretty good test if you're gluten intolerant too...
Sorry I should have used grams instead of percentage...it's actually 75 grams protein per 100 gram serve. Given gluten is itself a protein, it doesn't surprise me that this is so high - it would be like making food out of protein powder. But what confuses me is why it's never talked about as a go to source of protein - there has to be something incomplete about it. P.S. the mock duck is really quite close to the real thing. It's not perfect but it's enough to make you say wtf
Don't hate the player hate the game
Dem abdominal cramps
Use proprietary software keys that they have to passively rent from you for the rest of your life inb4 Pat with not good for workplace relationship
I reckon he's just playing hard ball with Simon's balls
Fkn lol Unless he's playing mind games with you... Sounds more like he wants a definitive answer whether you're planning on staying or going, in the form of you writing or not writing a letter haha
I should also point out here that everyone complains about my boss (including his boss), but not everyone works directly under him, so they have the benefit of escaping / avoiding it.
I am on the lookout for anything appealing and have updated CV and all that, but a decent enough payrise I think would reinvigorate spirit in working where I am for now. We have pay reviews soon, so there is no better time to be picking up potential offers from other places. Patrick isn't totally wrong though, if my boss was as nice all the time as he has been recently, that would almost be enough to remotivate on its own. I swear he is bipolar and the therefore bipolar nature of working for him makes it difficult to enact change - it's an excellent company and not really a position I want to give up (tough to get marketing gigs in multinationals), but I can't stand the shit I cop from him forever either!
I agree with this for most cases where there is an underlying issue (boredom with tasks, crappy boss etc., though money can be a good compensator in the short term or until times change), but what about cases where pay and pay rises are actually the cause of the demotivation?
Shitty boss also makes for bad culture and undermines people! Also when your boss is a problem but is too arrogant too ever think that he could be...or be convinced of it...going directly to the source can sometimes do you more harm than good. Obviously differs from situation to situation, but the whole reason we have HR departments is for a buffer between employee and employer. It's a formalised version of the office gossip.
Also they didn't build the block or head - they were already assembled by a reputable mob in NSW, but he said he's happy to work with it as long as I don't blame him for a thrown rod / all care no responsibility, which is fine by me.
Oh nah I'm not, nor am I pushing him to get anything done in a time frame, but there is stuff he could be doing with my engine in the mean time to have it more bolt in ready for the conversion and leave the sump til last. I recognise he's got a shitload of work coming out of his ass and the servicing work is what pays the bills; I'm just playing squeaky wheel so I'm not pushed aside - he's got a lot of people saying they need their car by x date and you inevitably get queue jumped by this kind of customer if you don't keep up appearances. I'm not one to rush workshops; quite the opposite having come from a workshop background myself. I'd rather people do the job properly in their own time. I never ask him for time frames, only ever ask where are we at or what do I need to buy / what are we waiting on at the moment for an update. Most of the time we are there for 40 mins just talking random shit about cars, as he does! I find it odd for someone to still be that passionate about the cars you work day and night on for years - true enthusiast.
Unless you're certain of your worth to the company or the job has demotivated you to the point of not caring if you lose it or not... I don't believe that no positive can come from the passive aggression as long as they don't know you're doing it on purpose and simply discover you're dissatisfied - case in point, Simon. Sometimes it's the catalyst you need to get things happening when you feel stuck in a rut. I should point out too that my company has no HR personnel.
Ahhh the passive aggressive nature of lone wolf office warfare over the brutally honest comradery of the picket
Know those feels Odi My boss has been out of character, overly nice to me for most of last week and especially today - am slightly paranoid that he's gotten wind of me considering other options or complaining about my working conditions to co workers - which, don't get me wrong, I do on purpose with all intention and knowledge it will eventually reach him. For a male dominated workplace (management 100% male, only females are admin/data) we have an incredibly gossipy culture. Then again, he knows about this car club so could be reading these forums too. Hi mate! I think it's the smartest way to handle stuff as an employee, even if it's a bit underhanded. Telling people straight is difficult when you don't know where you stand with the company, replaceable or not - gives them a chance to find someone else and make you replaceable. At least this way you can stay where you are and see no real repercussions if you don't venture elsewhere, because in the end their source is only workplace gossip. If anything, you might see a potential payrise to keep you happy if they do need you.
It's obviously a culture amongst MPs - if you were an MP and found yourself in circles where they were claiming infinite amounts of shit you'd prolly do the same. Still, dream boats. This is why I don't trust any politicians, they are doing the job for the money and fame - to get where they are they stopped caring about their causes many years ago - now the actions are dictated by $$$ Bronwyn Bishop was just a sacrificial lamb for the whole parliament full or fk wits. Suddenly a $5000 chopper ride doesn't seem so significant anymore
Question for the diet experts (déjà vu is telling me I've asked this before): I had an all vegetarian meal lastnight, with a lot of mock meat in it. Now this mock meat is, from what I gather, usually made from wheat gluten / seitan, which according to google is upwards of 75% protein, 14% carbs and 2% fat. So aside from coeliac sufferers and the seemingly growing trend of gluten intolerant people, why isn't this considered a superfood / eaten by bodybuilders and people in general looking for heavy doses of protein? The concenstration of protein is nearly 5 times that of most lean meats, so why aren't we all downing this regularly? It's not expensive and tastes pretty good, what downside am I not seeing? Is it a case of not all proteins being alike?
Nah my short block and head are already assembled, he just needs to bolt it together and install the ancillary parts Current hold up is the acquisition of a hi-octane sump
First time seeing one as subtle as deviant and subtle as this - never even had a chance to get away. That's a certain east side copper flamin mongrelness.
On the side of the road I saw a white van with a weird surveillance looking camera near it on the way to work the other day - thought it was surveying or something. 500 metres up ahead I saw cops on the corner outside my work, one of them with a traffic directing strobe...he was ushering cars into the side street...had about 6 of them pulled over. All dicked for unpaid fines, no rego etc. Was surprised a brand new looking Mini Cooper S was among them and stayed there for 2 days before being collected. Nothing Ever Really Dies...
Nah Mine is a 26/30 He did tell me about that one though Dropped in on him today to give him a push, fkin busier than ever. If you say tall guy from the east with the blonde gf he'll know who you're talking about...