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Everything posted by Birds

  1. You don't see how that first 18 years of your life sets you up for the future? That there are tons of people who don't have the same opportunities you did? Parents divorced, family businesses etc.? Family tragedies etc. How can you attribute where you are 100% to your own doings when we all receive a hand of cards not of our choosing from the get go. Sheer arrogance.
  2. Not the bus ticket or the petrol or the uniform/shoes and excursions etc. unless I'm missing something?
  3. For now they are, but what happens when the client demographic shift whilst the client relationship remains important - the variable that changes is you... Given enough time all things will change. The economy is a giant net - it's impossible for even the smallest changes to not impact everyone. No one outside of the automotive industry really gives a shit about our manufacturing closing down but they complain about the resulting taxes and unemployment benefits etc.
  4. Ahhh now let's see you adapt to a wage reduction because immigrants are willing to do the jobs for less...
  5. Your parents didn't send you to school? Were you paying for your nappies straight out the womb?
  6. You were the one who called into question the ability of people to do my job as an everyday task - I don't think at all I'm superior for having a degree; I needed it for my industry and that's all there is to it - but the truth is that it does offer a degree (pun) of protection for my line of work over and above a half year course with no entry requirement. You think you're untouchable in your job, but don't forget, you did your real estate course too and were a newbie once upon a time. Also, you might want to google marketing manager and refresh your info on what they earn - very few sit below 6 figures. Entry level marketing jobs don't pay as well but that's because people enjoy the work and with a few good years under the belt the 6 figure income is an achievable reality. In any job what limits you most is performance and aspiration. It's also not just about you, but the future generation who are going to struggle against immigrant workers, even for part time jobs that they need to get themselves through university or real estate courses - not everyone has their parents to help them with this. Consider what is happening in America right now with Mexican immigrants and how different our situation really is when we hand out visas and PR like they're going out of fashion. Enjoy your tax increases because of the hefty drain it is going to put on the welfare system...
  7. Adam Goodes is a well rounded individual who is widely recognised for his talent and the togetherness he brings to our national sport, always putting others before himself and a true Australian hero we can be proud to call our own.
  8. I literally lol'd at thisI thought labor got all the moronic voters Real estate = 20 week course, tops? Try and get a job in marketing without a 3 year degree or indistry experience...rarely happens. Yet I'm still not arrogant enough to assume there aren't people who can take my job off me when companies tighten the belt. Now tell me again which "task" anyone can do. Your industry has an enormous turnover of staff because it's a huge have a go at this job. P.S. I don't have clients, I am the client...and yes I negotiate many thousands of dollars, everyday, just like you, in case you think negotiating is some unique skillset that real estate agents have
  9. Given the Chinese influx over the last decade and exponential increase over the last couple of years, I don't think it's been happening for ages and that's a factor you're ignoring - trends. Wait until they are on the doorstep of your industry and not just on the customer end of the business deal. I think that you have an "as long as I'm okay" mentality about it which is all well and good until you're on the chopping block. This is a domino process that spreads like a virus, particularly when Chinese communities are somewhat segregated in business dealings - who do you think they'll prefer to deal with for property when it's no longer a trend but a key demographic shift - you or someone who speaks their native language? Been seeing a lot of job classifieds on the increase saying mandarin speaking preferred and given the Chinese lust for real estate, the question I ask is not "if", but "when". My industry is unregulated too and fair game for all; I'm just not arrogant enough to assume I'm always going to do a better job than someone who will do it for 2/3 what I do it for if our government will let them.
  10. fypbrah
  11. What happens when they bring in the Chinese real estate agents willing to work for less commission? Do you cry foul or accept that your job isn't worth paying what it used to be? Which could be a bit of a near reality given the advantages to having mandarin speaking agents these days...
  12. Getting ripped on my private health insurance Fkers are charging me $55 a fortnight for cover equivalent to $40 a fortnight Have been keeping me on an old plan because it pays them more and they can increase the premium every year without changing my level cover, in spite of reducing the costs offered to new customers to be competitive with other funds - criminals
  13. For the 3kw difference it's gonna make on a Pulsar just roll the dice on one
  14. Performance based increases would be nice instead of standardised, negotiated for all rates. Then we know the dude holding the sign would be going the extra mile for his dollars. I don't see how he can lay claim to a pay increase over anything but inflation - it's getting harder and harder to flip that sign 180 degrees.
  15. There's a happy medium in it somewhere, that doesn't involve jobs going offshore.
  16. Yeah but...in this case I'm for it.
  17. Go to tuner Ask what they recommend Choice made
  18. Next level hipster^
  19. I might be technically inept here But windows 8 loads up by default not my desktop but the stupid tablet GUI I don't want to know about. How do I make it start up on the desktop so I don't have to click away the tablet shit? Also do not have an easy to access shut down button - must alt F4 my way out. And just the whole treating everything as an app thing is a dumbing down science that Apple started for idiots who don't know what a program is and can't deal with the complexity of multiple executables for that program or...application...as we called it in our day. It definitely does compromise for tablets so they can cross platform it - case in point, desktops don't need any of that tablet UI shizzle.
  20. It's no Hard Kandy Episode 2, but one of my favourites nonetheless
  21. One of the older managers at work has One (Metallica) as his ringtone - thought this was cool and inter-generational until I realised I'm just f**king old myself
  22. That could be a coincidence or it could be that each one is a refined version of the previous one based on market feedback Also, would I be right in guessing you ran Vista at some stage? It sounds like a Greg thing to do; run an operating system that crashes for no reason
  23. Will I be able to upgrade from the windows 8 you legally installed on my shoebox?
  24. Honestly windows peaked at 95 XP was a slight improvement Everything after was an exercise in demonstrating their ability to suck cock and produce a shitty operating system
  25. Looks more like older windows to me, keeping some 8 elements Also hate 8 Make a desktop look like a tablet screen; a device that compromises view because of the lack of a mouse - real clever
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