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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Hey buddy I think if you head down to the waste management centre you might be able to dig them out...assuming you're serious about obtaining them of course.
  2. I'd do the same as the rest of these fgts Like online buying from overseas Government needs to step in here
  3. News reports actually celebrating the high prices Chinese are paying for Melbourne properties; anticipating huge prices will be paid at auction on the 8th of the 8th. Sell your city and your future morons (I'm looking at you Simon). Think I might move to a city with less Chinese people, like I dunno, Hong Kong?
  4. Looking for somewhere to put your money?
  5. Of this I'm certain - there are many dirty finger marks on the dish of the wheel; not likely related to repairs made to the tyre.
  6. Legendary tyre place I live near - fixed leaking AD08R for $20. Is working beautifully. Chucking a car on a hoist, pulling wheel off, finding leak, tyre off wheel, drilling and plugging, fitting new valve and tyre back on wheel, balanced for $20 is ridiculous. A lot of workshops wouldn't put your car on a hoist for less than $50.
  7. Dezz did you turn up to the gym in your underwear
  8. Sell to single tradie with disposable income, sells investment property to Chinese; the cycle continues
  9. Short term gain, long term ass f**king
  10. Not much going for it then - how is it?
  11. It means the government is saving for a rainy day, which given the state of the world these days, is probably not a bad thing. "I have too much money", said no person or body ever. The view of a surplus as a piss take on taxes is your average Labor voter who thinks that tax in general (any tax they pay) is some evil concept designed to stop them earning beer money; that the government is some person who takes money and gives nothing back to them (e.g. roads grow on trees mentality etc); that if the government isn't in as much debt as they are personally, then they simply can't relate to the government... This kind of person can go live in Greece and tell the rest of us how it's working for them (sorry Ric).
  12. More dignity than if she stayed - it is the right and honorable thing to do when the professionalism of a public servant is compromised. Still not enough for Bill Shorten though, who in spite of calling for resignation is now claiming it was overdue. I would vote for the politician who stopped playing the opposition at every single move of the incumbent. I understand the role of the opposition is to provide a voting alternative, but to be a flamin mongrel on every single topic gets tiresome and incredibly predictable.
  13. Cause that blithering idiot Harry Jenkins was as objective as they come... I agree with you though; speaker should not be a party affiliated backbencher MP...it makes a mockery of a democratic system when the process for handling law making is trivially biased in such a way.
  14. Disgraced Liberal ministers tend to do this, rather than waiting for a GG to sack them or sweeping it under the rug with handouts...called maintaining honour and dignity.
  15. Reply to my SMS you selfish Labor voter
  16. Yeah...sarcasm is overrated...lol
  17. Also, to answer your question, I now have two Skylines lol...three if you count the girlfriend's.
  18. I want to and will be at PI later this year if all goes to plan - was asking more if I could have a passenger as the girlfriend would love to accompany the drive. Though it was cornerweighted with just the driver so I don't think it will be beneficial to my handling...still got a decent long wang time at deca so I'm eager to see what it can do around the corners at PI. I'm a better driver with sharp 2nd gear speeds; not sure how I'll go with the long sweepers.
  19. Should be a compulsory high school course these days with ice abuse seemingly on the rise^ You know I've always wondered why high school curriculum never made way for a general life skills class consisting of things like a first aid course and negotiation, counseling and everyday law, how to buy/sell/service cars etc. The stuff you know you will use in life even if you don't use the Maths that everyone claims not to need. The closest I had to it was a leadership class, which the principal taught himself and unfortunately you had to choose between that and outdoor education - both useful skills!
  20. Interesting...what does that entail? Dealing with psychotic episodes, lifeline / suicide counseling etc.?
  21. Nothing drives quite like spite and sibling rivalry
  22. I don't remember downplaying the GFC in any VWL discussions...that shit cost me at least 4-5 grand in share value and I got off lightly All I've ever said about it is that Labor did not save us from its wraith by giving everyone $900 to buy some shit off eBay or feed gambling and alcohol addictions
  23. A few hours research will make them better value than bank interest at least, but still gambling and who knows when another GFC will hit
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