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Everything posted by Birds

  1. We've only been going twice a week for the last few months or so, just the two alternating workouts instead of 1-2-1 one week then 2-1-2 every other. Now we're getting back into thrice a week so just taking it slow as we're a bit out of conditioning - good excuse to hit some volume, focusing on good technique and high reps. Leesh is also starting her cutting as of tomorrow so volume will help with this - though we may return to heavy weights with the repeated workout if the volume doesn't do much for us.
  2. Struggling to put on weight? More girl issues.
  3. What's passive aggressive? Pretty sure I openly mentioned and directed it to you Let's not turn this into an Adam Goodes saga
  4. Not really liking my first name right now I don't like being associated with an ape See: http://www.comicvine.com/adam-the-ape/4005-6227/
  5. Gutted I didn't make the pun
  6. Fair point I'm lucky in a lot of ways, so I guess these are the trade offs. If it costs me a box ticket once in a while, not too bad.
  7. lol'd at forever alone invitation Hope that was done on purpose / as a joke; if not really should have used another envelope
  8. We spent last weekend doing my thing and I said would spend this sat with her...friend only has one spare ticket otherwise I'd be saying we're both going. I let her slide on this one, but the next I'm gonna have to go to... But yeah it's still a shitty thing to have to pass up on it - I hope she realises this - if she happens to read these forums.
  9. Well that's fantastic news thanks, particularly that last part
  10. What's the go with passengers at these events/trackdays? Not allowed?
  11. I can't just think that people who purposely don't eat are girls? Like, teenage girls with body image issues who don't eat? No, sir, it is not I with the insecurity...
  12. Mr. Hampton...welcome back... We...missed you...
  13. Saturday
  14. Wait...I'm insecure because I eat food every day? Are bulimia and anorexia trends now?
  15. Cake /thread
  16. Wrong.
  17. Passing up Lion Nathan corp box to take girlfriend to Werribee zoo Can VWL please emphasise the relationship dedication required for this to take place so I can at least harvest some brownie points for it
  18. What about the side effects though? I.e. being a girl?
  19. I'll consult the magic 8 ball: You may rely on it.
  20. Was it Alvin?
  21. I'll be sending my kid to the closest schools and that's it...plenty of shit kickers in good schools and plenty of bright kids in shit schools Parenting at home > influence than parenting at school
  22. Yeah Hamish when did you become so Asian dad Don't go living your dreams vicariously through Orlando
  23. Tis a sad state of affairs when people are vying for positions in pre schools. Back in my day your parents just rocked up with you at...kinder...and they took you on the spot. What's next, scholarships for toddlers?
  24. Green label?
  25. It's a non stop f**king cringe He's in the shit now over a Stagea someone's taken him to court over
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