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Everything posted by Birds

  1. I thought the MPS were supposed to be decent
  2. Agario and Boom Beach
  3. Shhh let him have it
  4. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw bright red air maxes
  5. Then get spanked by Birds and his D1Rs 1-1 Until next time...
  6. Middle of the pack - not bad considering all the wrong directions, wet skiddie and general asshatting Thanks Odi and congrats on 3rd
  7. Because playing into it means they get interviews with the flog and can continue the storm in a tea cup and have something to write about. Fkn playground issue. Goodes needs to see that he took it too far and played a game he can't win. You never take on the crowd as a sports star, and to play the racism card is begging for reaction.
  8. They aren't even booing him, they're saying boo-urns
  9. lol they will just boo him harder when he returns because now there's a thing about the booing...then he'll leave because of more booing and so on. Does he not understand the term "know when to told em?" fighting a fight he can't win. You know what I love about booing? People, especially Goodes, can't play the racism card against it...because it's neither politically correct or incorrect...interpretation is subjective and there's not a damn thing they can do about it. Though this moron has a go at it: http://mobile.news.com.au/sport/afl/whether-its-racist-or-not-its-time-to-stop-booing-adam-goodes-this-is-why/story-fndv7pj3-1227460100965 Booing because a s minority of the booers are likely to be racist, therefore you are supporting their cause rather than yours...and not the other way around...is wrong. /PClogic
  10. In on page 1 and Goodes is a flog
  11. If you zoom in real close you can just make out the angry birds air freshener
  12. Nice vids everyone, thanks for taking the time to film!
  13. You remind of this so much
  14. Is there an band work you can do to rehab the joint and work the injury through a range of motion with minor resistance? Think it's time to take a rest from the heavy weights and take the rehab seriously Focus on legs; that's one advantage to an upper body injury
  15. lol even open I have to maintain a constant lean towards the centre just to fit - makes motorsport difficult The 86 was much easier to pilot, could actually sit up straight albeit still slouched
  16. Neither is the target demographic of South Park
  17. Qualifier to be a successful animated series That was the South Park of old though, when they made up their own events instead of topical humour
  18. None of those really have topical humour though, more character development jokes and randomness, toilet humour etc...I love em but they won't make me think while laughing South Park has a good niche in being the animated version of a comic strip that doesn't hold back on anything - some damn good ideologies and philosophies underpinning the storylines
  19. Old man Alex Hangin out for that coffin
  20. Were you the guy who asked me about my sunroof being open? Look familiar in your other videos...
  21. If you know what I mean
  22. As an aside to the introduction of member pricing at the next one, the point of difference between member and non, rather than cost, could simply be more runs for members?
  23. I'll check it out Love South Park humour and don't watch it as much as I should So good at making fun of issues whilst projecting legitimately good standpoints
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