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Everything posted by Birds

  1. But you know you've made it when South Park ep you Unless you're talking about the youtubers one with chocolate rain and sneezing panda and butters
  2. Nope
  3. Had an absolute blast, also said to pass on her thanks to the organisers She's never voluntarily lost control in a car before, so a great learning experience getting to know her car and just doing something out of the ordinary - don't think she did too badly time wise on some runs either!
  4. I don't understand his appeal, and don't see how there is even a target demographic for what he does - I think he got lucky finding his niche and just kept doing the same old formula whilst evolving it for interest, including involving his girlfriend in videos Have watched his videos before with an open mind and he just seems to say nothing but annoying self made catchphrases and cartoon like squeaks, like a naughty kid in class with ADHD Nothing against him but fark who would subscribe to that I know, 27 million people
  5. Cheers
  6. So true Like imagine being one of the first youtubers to post a video log on a daily basis...people would call you a sad piece of shit attention whore Nek minut millionaire 15 year old girls sharing makeup tips...rich piece of shit attention whore
  7. Can anyone PM me Bec's email address? Need to send some CAMS info her way cheers
  8. Which means you really got 49/50 pre curve of distribution Dat ridiculous scaling for IT subjects
  9. This was my baby; saved up $400 and bought it from Brashes. Massive euphoria when I got it home; don't think I opened the box for a few hours at least. 4mb of ram and a 33mhz Hitachi SH3 (?) processor Indigo backlit touch screen Solitaire and space invaders - small network of developers on the internet at the time I managed to fit one Blink 182 MP3 on it - before iPods or even portable MP3 players existed
  10. MANY thanks to the organisers and volunteers - such awesome work setting up something like this so far away from Melbourne. It was great to get back to something I hadn't done in years. Will definitely be at the next one with some friends. Wet skidpan in the morning was a lot of fun, something different and not like it was pouring with rain. Good that it dried up and gave us a lot of dry runs too. Mini motorkhana was an awesome idea. Really could have used a handbrake for that
  11. Mobile version of http://agar.io is destroying my mind
  12. Never saw the point to event style LAN with complete strangers, unless you were chasing zero lag. It had it's place with dial up but as Leigh says, now you can get pretty close to 0 latency wih broadband. Only LANs I've ever done were at houses or in garages. Or Internet cafés like Coolyah at Box Hill if you consider that LAN. Skipping sport to take a bus there for a precious couple of hours, now I admit that was geeky...but best memories.
  13. Back when a console game meant Tomb Raider and the only way to play a decent shooter was on a PC, is when you were hailed a geek or nerd Then came halo and the cod series and see ya later, no recognition for being an OG shooter gamer though We fought the wars that won't be remembered
  14. Of the disc variety? Son I am disappoint...was scrolling for systems analyst
  15. Did you tell her to get fked because journos don't have a union?
  16. The careers counsellor he replaced was much coolerUsed to play counterstrike with us at our LAN parties and was pretty good at it too Those were the days when it wasn't strange for a 35 year old man to turn up at a student's house and spend an evening with a bunch of school boys Sort of
  17. I was slated for a career in IT circa year 10 but careers counsellor advised against it because it was a "flooded industry" flamin mongrel had no idea
  18. I had a 33.6k PCMCIA modem Infrared port for wireless chatting to mate across class Serial port and a phone dialer for hacking pay phones n shit
  19. Don't you start...
  20. Yeah I suppose I play a bit of games - used to be up around 15-20 a week, but these days more like 5 At least games are interactive and reflex stimulating, though - used to cop shit from parents for playing them all the time meanwhile they sit there immobile and passive in front of a TV for hours every night lol
  21. Yes and now grandparents downloading torrents and swapping portable hard drives wtf I remember having a pocket PC (windows ce ftw) in year 7 and copping never ending shit for it - these days you'd get bagged if you didn't have a more capable smart phone lol
  22. Can't believe how much tv and movies people watch these days
  23. I will pay him handsomely in cash if he can get me ADSL2
  24. Can you seriously get your brother to put me into an ADSL2 port I know they have them at the exchange but Telstra refuse to use them
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