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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Quite the acid tongue you have there
  2. He kind of gave you that warm fuzzy feeling of everything being okay in Victoria Jeff had his shit together I couldn't even tell you who the premier of Victoria was past Steve Bracks - they haven't stood out to me as important since.
  3. Dang most I've hit is 280 pounds What weight you come close to 300 at?
  4. Dezz turning up the fashion volume Nek minut pink dinner jacket
  5. I'll be bringing my drill up just in case lol
  6. I have a hair on my tongue; can't get it off. You know how much I hate that?
  7. Siri as useless as ever
  8. My personal favourite:
  9. Cocaine is cheap as long as you don't get high on your own supply
  10. One less green voter in Australia is one less fk wit idealist that I have to encounter
  11. Because it's legal and small quantities won't cause you to crash your car into a house because you thought it was a gateway into another dimensionDrugs have always been cheaper for thrills per hour vs cost Weed was a $20 affair when I was in high school, that would last you all night while mates pissed away $50 on premixers
  12. A basic right of national security, you would think. But Hamish wants to give these people the power to vote for the greens.
  13. Whether it happens or not is a better scenario than the message that the alternative will deliver when you open the floodgates - give me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses etc,
  14. lol guy at work got caught selling our bandwidth to overseas companies using some program; I assume for bots to do their web scouring with. He's lucky the GM was on holidays at the time because word is it would have been a sacking had he not already been reprimanded over it.
  15. Shame, shame, shame
  16. All these reduce significantly when they get the hint that Australia isn't the place to sail to
  17. Yeah up top where you don't really need/use the power E85 and twins is all you need for the street - no single setup will justify its worth over this
  18. I find that hard to believe. Turning a boat away is a one off cost. Welcoming it with open arms is a new person in line at centrelink for years, government housing and opportunities denied to people who went through legitimate channels. If you welcome boat people you not only end up with more boat people coming onto your doorstep, you end up deterring people from choosing the proper channels to arrive here when they find out they get queue jumped by cheaper means = even more boats.If we weren't an island there wouldn't be boat people, just illegal immigrants trying to cross a border because they haven't done the right thing - no nation willingly takes on these. It also affords greater security as a nation to be discriminant about who enters our country, which is a key issue for me.
  19. There is not enough of a significant performance difference to justify one over the other, especially when 97.53% of applications are street cars that don't need all that power. In which case, twin for stock look to avoid police attention is where it's at.
  20. When the problem to me is putting a drain on the economy (there are plenty of Aussies doing this too; get a job or join the army), turning them away does solve the problem. It may not solve your problem which is the compassion for the lives of people you don't know, or theirs being in the wrong place at the wrong time (life sucks), but it solves mine.
  21. They can't; airports have security clearances...the ocean doesn't judge
  22. No one said they're deserving of it; I don't think anybody deserves to die. But people do die, every second of the day, the world over, and there's nothing you can do about this to rid the issue. I'm grateful for the life I have, but I'm not going to be guilted by the circumstances of less fortunate individuals...or fooled into thinking I can stop it so that those who can't block out or accept inequality and death can feel like they're changing the world. You could spend your life and every dollar you have helping people, but where do you draw the line at not living your own life in a decent manner because you spent it supporting a cause that will never go away, or in the case of boat people, get worse when you start to support it? No ignorance here - apathy, perhaps. I accept this unfairness and death as a fact of life and the world we live in. I believe poverty is a condition that can be resolved for an individual, but will never be wiped from humanity because, for as long as humans are greedy, and they always will be by nature, there will always be rich and there will always be poor. Consider that the kids who make it to the tv are the ones lucky enough to have their charity/cause represented...what about the others? Also, sif those African kids don't flaunt their #thinprivelege
  23. Ultrasound would be first point for me, just to get an idea if anything is inflamed How long have you had it for? Anything you can narrow it down to that might have caused it? Does it come and go or is it there all the time? Only certain exercises activate the pain?
  24. I'm okay with thisVersus the people who watch the ads and still don't do anything about it, or the people who throw money at the problem to absolve their guilt I'm content with the idea that there will always be impoverished nations and war and immigrants; human nature has brought these about and won't change it permanently because these things have always been and always will be; capitalism is born and bred into us Besides this, donating to these causes is like giving a homeless alcoholic a few bucks to get the next fix or meal...you sustain their life...but what life? So they can have more starving children? As ruthless as it sounds I'm kind of siding with fuhrer Alex on this
  25. Boats arrivals at Australian shores significantly reduced in numbers = solution works as far as I'm concerned
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