No one said they're deserving of it; I don't think anybody deserves to die. But people do die, every second of the day, the world over, and there's nothing you can do about this to rid the issue. I'm grateful for the life I have, but I'm not going to be guilted by the circumstances of less fortunate individuals...or fooled into thinking I can stop it so that those who can't block out or accept inequality and death can feel like they're changing the world. You could spend your life and every dollar you have helping people, but where do you draw the line at not living your own life in a decent manner because you spent it supporting a cause that will never go away, or in the case of boat people, get worse when you start to support it?
No ignorance here - apathy, perhaps. I accept this unfairness and death as a fact of life and the world we live in. I believe poverty is a condition that can be resolved for an individual, but will never be wiped from humanity because, for as long as humans are greedy, and they always will be by nature, there will always be rich and there will always be poor. Consider that the kids who make it to the tv are the ones lucky enough to have their charity/cause represented...what about the others?
Also, sif those African kids don't flaunt their #thinprivelege