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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Do the prices go up closer to racewars?
  2. Tomic more or less of a flog than either?
  3. 275rwkw on the E85 with near factory response, which is plenty for the street. Such a reliable car/engine - I've only changed the timing belt as preventative maintenance and give it stick all the time, still runs like new. I'll send you a pic or two, but haven't changed much externally, just different wheels. Loved the way it looked as it was. Though it did cop a little hail damage during the big hail storms a few years ago Now have a 33 GTR to focus on and keep the GTS-T as the reliable daily / HSV killer haha
  4. No one should think they can't be replaced by an immigrant worker just as qualified and willing to work for less Will vote for the party who offers the most protections to citizens
  5. That's a rally I'd probably join you for
  6. Cheap http://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/458293-vic-nissan-350gt-coupe-2005-model-manual-quick-sale/#entry7569132
  7. Cool! You ever end up getting your Evo? GTS-T still going strong as ever, she's on E85 now
  8. In soviet russia radicalism turns to you
  9. When anything and everything in the west is a target, it really doesn't matter what we do...haters gonna hate I don't see an appeal to the good side of radicalism when you have people who believe that killing anyone who isn't Muslim is their destiny I don't think we're drawing any more of a target on ourselves than we had before
  10. Radicals don't need a legit reason to hate, that's generally why they are branded radicals. People with guns don't understand. That's why they get guns - too many misunderstandings.
  11. lol that's the dumb bitch who appeared on Q&A recently and said NOTHING about terrorism or counter terrorism, leading me to wonder why she was even branded an expert on CT - seemed to all be a cover just to push her agenda about free immigration and how angelic Muslim culture is. Google reveals as such too.She was for inviting as many boat people as possible into Australia to live in harmony, so that should give you an idea of her mentality broaching the subject of Muslim extremism vs right wing extremism. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb bitch. And look, her surname is Aly.
  12. You just activated Hamish's spinal trap card
  13. Or making them up36 WT Chamberium (1993.11)
  14. In my day it was 20k ish
  15. He's certainly acting floggish now - but TA are still bigger flogs IMO - sending out that hall of shame press release, come on, was that an iPhone autocorrect mistake? My press releases get proof read about 6 times over by different people and a leading title like that in a national governing body gets missed? Immature as shit. TA seem like a bunch of high school students who could school even Tomic on how to be a flog. Also that hotel seems to make a lot of wild claims about being a party haven for celebrities and meeting any requests for a place that kicked someone out for loud music This statement made me lol Some "type" of alcohol...like alcohol?
  16. A good point.You may not be able to predict demand (to a degree you can; what a pun!), but you can certainly count the number of enrolments and be aware of big trends in favoured courses or career paths. I'm not sure how the qualification process goes to decide which course is hecs eligible, but surely a government department has a say in that - yet it's the universities spitting out places and degrees like nobody's business. It's pretty dumb to let people start a degree during a boom when it's not expected to last - that's a recipe for debt that won't be repaid anytime quickly and another person on centrelink.
  17. Courtesy of my income tax receipt: Look at all that welfare...families is getting damn close to pensions...like ffs, if you can't properly afford kids don't have!
  18. That doesn't really help the situation for people who can't find jobs...will make it worse if they gotta pay more. Need to pull hecs funding out of industries with an oversupply of candidates, like engineering; a loan scheme should be used to draw prospects towards jobs in need of more candidates and away from the overpopulated areas that result in people being jobless and on welfare with no quick way of paying back the debt.
  19. If you wanna look good and not be bummy, girl you better give me that money
  20. Wait...left when you're looking at the bed from the foot if it or left when you're lying on your back in bed
  21. You know what else I hate? f**kin cyclists thinking they have the same rights as pedestrians and then some Stupid bitch on a bike crosses behind me while I'm waiting at a t intersection (no traffic lights) to turn right with indicator on, then as I go to go, she comes out of nowhere on my right side crossing the road I was turning onto...basically cutting me off and didn't even LOOK to see if I would hit her or not. Just didn't give a f**k. Man I should have run the bitch over, tooted her and she didn't even turn her head...if I had a dash cam I would have run the bitch over...fkin bitch.
  22. Oh a fantail...I wonder who it...oh it's Arnold Schwarzenegger again
  23. Cheapest loan I'll ever haveCan no longer salary sacrifice to avoid it lol Feel much better it coming out of my tax return*, though...rather than a monthly reminder... *I hate it when people declare tax return to be free money, but can't deny the prize winning feels your return invokes
  24. Welcome to the future of Australian welfare issues; governments funding university entry and not doing anything about coming out the other end
  25. You could vote LNP and you'd still get out of bed from the left side Ham
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