Yeah the whole get to the point and honesty thing is also a part of that adult mindset responsible for them being less picky.Correlation with age and people finding a long term partner - exists because of nature and also that societal push/expectation that they should settle down: "You need to find yourself a gf", "I need to get myself a girlfriend", "I want to have a baby" blah blah. Adult hormones kick in, women want children, men want company and not just sex because they might be past their sexual peak or have had little success with sexing lots of women. People get more desperate to achieve this, impatient even, and will settle for just a good person; willing to put up with more shit and acknowledge/accept some faults in everyone because desperate/impatient and realise their chances of finding that idealistic perfect partner / Mr and Mrs right that they were looking for when they were younger may not exist; "This is as good as it gets." Then the people they do find end up becoming their perfect partner...or not...if they break up!
People then return to a bit of pickiness post family or divorced cause they've been and done the settle down thing. It's hilarious the reasons people break up or end dating for when a middle aged divorcee; very similar to the shitty reasons people end things when young.