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Everything posted by Birds

  1. And women in a relationship with you and outside of it are two very different people
  2. Every thief is a nice enough stranger until they steal shit from you People used to ask me why I'd have to take a deposit for their gearbox changeover - I'd say, buddy, you seem nice, but so do the people who rip us off. It's not that you look like a criminal, but criminals look and act just like you.
  3. Don't have her pay for anything, bills or groceries or board, or do anything to maintain the state of the house including cleaning and blah blah If she can prove it's her place of residency for years and that she contributed to upkeep you're gonna have a bad time
  4. All the more reason to vote guilty and get it over with
  5. Are the tartan seats too? What car is that?
  6. Did you not have a dildo as your shift knob
  7. Fk people pick some retarded looking shift knobs
  8. Credit unions sounds like an oxymoron
  9. Birds only charges 10 points vig in the first week After that 15 and after that I introduce you to dezz who works for 20 Capisce? You can thank ya mother for that Now go home and get ya f**kin shine box
  10. Just paid for your negative gearing; you're welcome!
  11. It's always funny how brave politicians become with their opinions post-parliament days
  12. Xzibit got me through VCE My English exam practically consisted of metaphors for binge drinking
  13. Still going strong http://www.hardkandy.com
  14. steven spielberg gets a hilarious hilarious prank phone call
  15. This isn't the bike in your avatar at the track is it
  16. Heart goes out to iMesh Fantastic porn service with preview option Ahhh the days of having to trust file names for their content and judging a file mostly by its file size
  17. Is actually a midi file Have a polyphonic ringtone Hamish mixed up for me somewhere
  18. I'll take it for asking price if you throw in RWC
  19. I have AD08R 265 on the rear and AD08 255 on the front It doesn't understeer really, in spite of the fronts being a street version of the rear semis Actually is quite balanced feeling I also postulate that the rears will wear down faster and return to a slight oversteer
  20. Mixed by DJ Toxic and the kandy krush krew
  21. That's some Greg shit right there Did it do it again or a one off?
  22. You didn't did you
  23. Walk out to car to find right rear AD08R nearly flat Either fast leak or dodgy neighborhood fkin with my property again Lose lose for Birds
  24. Also give him Ain't No Fun and Izzo, then see which coast he prefers
  25. lol'd hard at DJ Toxic
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