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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Yeah someone told me that about the doctorate...pretty crazy, good on him! He was never that intelligent when he was younger...I mean always a bit of a know it all with heaps of general knowledge, but he never excelled in school; Maths/English etc. Must have really put in the hard yards later on in high school.
  2. That's the most baller shit I've ever read Pimp My Prison Tunnel / MTV Tunnels Prolly had a couple of hot Latina bitches waiting in the tunnel for him too
  3. Yeah true it's a war you can't really win but fighting it at least keeps the numbers down
  4. That must suck for the people who captured him and those who died capturing him This is where I'm for capital punishment lol, for dudes they KNOW are guilty of their shit
  5. You're as right as your vote compass
  6. Obviously didn't see my graph
  7. Want it ASAP And put aftermarket HIDs in
  8. Scroll past it faggot Or read and learn; it is afterall right wing propaganda
  9. Haha nah always felt that way about it, but I'm one to look at intention more than the face value of a message being communicated. I had forgotten about that episode though - brilliant piece of social commentary. Chris Rock also had a funny way of conveying the viewpoint:
  10. I wanted to go Vermont high...folks said nah f**k you private school is better.Also, did Ryan ever come out as gay? I know his brother was. A lot of people suspected Ryan was too, though I know when we were younger he had a bit of interest in girls and even a sort of girlfriend - all pre-adolescence though.
  11. A couple of people have done a different pole; I noticed the X and Y variables are different; prolly had a few different policies and standpoints on different issues hence parties have moved around between graphs. I know Leroy has done a few different poles in his lifetime. I know Patrick is a different Pol.
  12. Unless he's feeling awkward about it and calls you up on it, I see no reason to make a thing out of it. Unless he's an egocentric flamin mongrel he's probably also aware that you might be feeling awkward about your in jest comments over the years. My personal view outside of the humour I post in here is that sexuality doesn't change what that person is to me, no more so than what kinky things a heterosexual person does with their wife in their own time that's also of no consequence to me. Sexuality is just another characteristic of the person - skin colour, big ears, tall or short, shy, intelligent or dumb. I therefore don't believe it should be off limits for jokes or mucking around. My brother is gay and I still pay him out with those words on occasion, not because he's gay but because I'd say them to anyone else too. Him coming out doesn't change this because I don't think sexuality should impact or change how you treat someone either. If he said that it offended him, I would be more sensitive to it around him just like I would anything else I say that offends people.But I would probably also engage in a discussion about my other view on gay slurs in casual conversation: I think that once upon a time they were used exclusively as an insult with the implied connotation that a homosexual was inferior or different in an unacceptable way (and sometimes still are used this way), however the more common use of these words as insults these days, particularly amongst teenage guys, has its own meaning which is far removed from the gay bashing it used to be. Consider that many teenagers using such words don't even know the full extent of their meaning. This is why I'm not apologetic for any instance of using such words when my intention is not to hate on gays. However - like anything else I say, if someone were to take offence I might be more sensitive about it afterwards (after explaining my viewpoint), not because I necessarily agree with them, but simply because I'm not a total flamin mongrel and I'm more for keeping the peace. I also wouldn't retrospectively apologise for what I've said not knowing they have taken offence to it - if someone takes offence to something at the time, the it is up to them to call you up on it then and there, or else they are more or less condoning it to continue by way of you thinking they are okay with it. People can't change if you don't give them opportunity to or the boundaries to play in. I might be more sensitive towards a topic from there on if someone has made it clear they are offended by it, but certainly wouldn't feel I've wronged them in the past. tl;dr: I don't hate fags
  13. Your change management has no place in our altered state of friendship What about all the times he told me he thought some chick was hot - lies, all lies FYI he used the homo words in casual convo too. I'm thinking he was in denial (now he's inda anal) or just wanted to fit in (oh god with the puns)
  14. Related anecdote: found out the other weekend that my best mate in years 7-10 high school (peak of adolescence) came out a couple years ago. Now recounting my memories of sleepovers/parties/allmaleorgies for signs he was in the closet.
  15. You want gay marriage and a stable economy good luck with that
  16. There is no policy that could produce that sort of result; what I term the idealist/utopian corner. This explains a lot of Greg's car troubles - he's a fkin dreamer!
  17. Really
  18. Keep your head down and don't lift your head lol
  19. I got notification before it went down /CIA
  20. I find Mohsen coming in for September 11 mention more disturbing
  21. Velocity frequent flyer points at BP servo ftw Also loving my silver member luggage tags; now they'll never lose track of who the drugs belong to
  22. Fk the socialist commy bastards
  23. Hamish is so left the Greens vote for him
  24. Dezz to the left of me, Ric and Alex to the right Here I am Stuck in the middle with Hamish
  25. Rather do it for a 7 year old than a new one Though euro new or old is a lose lose situation If the depreciation doesn't get you the non-reliability / pool skimmers will
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