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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Jalvin
  2. Once you've had tailored it's extremely difficult to go back, it also just looks shitloads better than off the shelf. Same deal with tailored shirts. Old mate flies into town takes my measurements and flies back to Malaysia then sends the garments in a post pack in the mail - don't know when he's coming next though, have told my mate to let me know; I need more myself. Will post here when it happens again.
  3. If the Japs could get looks downpat they would dominate the car world
  4. Agreed; get a better job Leroy
  5. The only reason to buy a Golf is for the undeserved sense of self accomplishment at owning something designed in the same country as good European cars
  6. It really doesn't help that people go to the doctors at the first sign of a sniff, get some antibiotics and introduce it to the virus instead of letting their immune system do the job for small shit. Not only this but the heavy burden on our bulk billing system costs unnecessary millions a year. I've had antibiotics before - it made maybe 1 day's difference to recovery. And one time I ended up sicker for longer because the antibiotics killed my good bacteria too.
  7. Australian beef going offshore to higher bidders = expensive steak locally Gonna be a fun future
  8. Organiser donating skin for your grafts too? Not bad for $50
  9. I'd be donning leathers regardless Leigh - it's there to protect you not just to get through the rules. Full leathers makes you feel so much safer.
  10. Apparently no one told Greece money doesn't grow on trees The ultimate Generation Y country, brb gotta get a job and move out of home (EU)
  11. Sounds like an 80% ride/orientation around the track
  12. I much preferred Greece's attitude in the 90s
  13. Think you're talking about the cbr250 owners club meets
  14. Things are going down Mohsen
  15. Greens are like racist people You want their votes but you don't really want anyone to think you embrace their ideals
  16. Michellin power pure or diablo rosso corsa?
  17. Yeah take jacket along, if it has zips good chance it'll fit - they haven't changed their zipper system for years. Otherwise buy superseded pants that do match. Didn't know there were tracks that allowed Kevlar jeans.
  18. Get both; isn't it a track day requirement that pants and jacket can zip together or is my memory shot?
  19. Those globes are awesome highly recommend - kangaroo leather - feels like I'm wearing nothing at all (nothing at all). How much dexterity can one glove have?
  20. Tech 1R suit was a bit over a grand GP tech gloves were like $400 Boots about $300 Bought a new black Shoei too; gutted I didn't get a chance to buy the gold iridium visor and ride colour coded with bike
  21. The Skyline life chose me
  22. Ain't a placebo, your body uses that chemical to fall asleep. In all seriousness it's probably good to cycle it...stay on it for a few weeks to reset your body clock and then get off it try to fall asleep naturally again or your body may stop producing enough of it naturally.
  23. lol PeeWee 50 up in this bitch Any kids we have will be born riders
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