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Everything posted by Birds

  1. I wish I could do martial arts Specifically I wish I could box again But I love weights and boxing + weights gave me my shoulder injury Just the thougt of hitting the heavy bag hurts my shoulder I keep my wraps in the car for the day I decide to do something stupid though
  2. What's the story behind the return to deca? Owners change of heart?
  3. In the scheme of things though, it's probably the cheapest part of motorsport. If DECA is a regular thing now and we get 4 a year it's pretty well justified. Never know when you wanna go club racing and can just do it on a whim.
  4. I confess not knowing enough about electrical, but can someone explain to me why a submersible pump with a positive and negative lead running to it is never in danger of shorting or sparking and blowing up the whole car? Obviously disconnect battery before working on it and turn on car / pump brake to discharge circuitry, but I still had a huge fear of something like that happening when I put this pump in first time around and started the car.
  5. Anyone starting out first timer shouldn't be riding in green White that shit
  6. Kind of related Trying to strike that balance between running down a fuel tank quickly so I can replace fuel pump and babying the car around so it doesn't kill the fuel pump, is a bitch
  7. Maybe you need to show your car hard love to get it liking you I always found Skylines drove much better when you thrashed them rather than babied They feel smoother and more licence losing
  8. I'm in two minds about that: 1. No point living if you can't enjoy your life and the things you want to do anyway, live life to the max etc. 2. Find other hobbies and sports you may enjoy that are less dangerous; computer games, remote control cars, racing etc.
  9. So is that thing actually keeping you alive or is there just in case you have a heart attack etc.? Also, can't they re-do the wiring for the ICD to suit new bodyweight?
  10. When I think about, all the snaps I've done of my relationship I should probably do some more singing ones
  11. Last track playing in my car was in fact Jagged Edge
  12. For a select few
  13. You should definitely do DECA Greg. The 2.5 hour drive up there and back combined with a full day of high revving action is sure to end well
  14. My selfie singing samples are more important than any law and order happenings
  15. Do you people even read the thread or just the OP Egocentric
  16. Reposted from grind my gears thread Would have been Knox HWP So this morning on the way to work I was traveling through a school 40km/h zone and up ahead I see a cop car on the other side of the road put his lights on, then do an aggressive u turn, sliding the tail end of his car out as he did it, then floor it to what must have been 70+ to pullover a cabbie who was obviously speeding through the school zone. I'm confused where dangerous driving becomes a part of enforcing the safe driving? I understand marked cop cars are allowed to speed (though I don't understand why, cops are terrible drivers), but what if some kid was crossing the road when that happened and got hit...which is the point behind the school zone speed limit. Would the cop be liable or would he get off a culpable driving charge because they are allowed to speed? Wish I had it on dashcam.
  17. No offers either, must state a sell price on all items
  18. P.S tried to get you to PI on a bike for years now you all up in my grill about it dawg
  19. Also doing PI in car because I know I'll be faster in a car and if I put the throttle on too hard coming out of Honda hairpin I know how to recover lol
  20. It's incredibly easy to renew...I just did mine online after it expired in 2010. 2 minute form.
  21. Events section brah
  22. Birds

    Who Are You?

    I believe you're discriminating against the race of idiots now...
  23. Donations nearly 2 years old?
  24. No flannel in our laundry brah
  25. My mother may be entering DECA This makes Moh a total weak cunt if he doesn't come
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