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Everything posted by Birds

  1. I still think that was an inside job yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.jpg
  2. I've never been to matsuri
  3. Car insurance wars again Need a Vic WL bingo P.S. fk shannons umad cunts?
  4. Only need one gear to get from Coburg to Brunswick
  5. Trololololol There goes a few years worth of wage increases from previous protests
  6. You have a store now? Come a long way since the odd job who used to walk into my office/shed to pick up his Sougi!
  7. Quite possibly the worst post I've ever read
  8. I think you're largely discounting the Greg factor here
  9. I'm not following the logic here - are we blaming the fuel pump for how much sediment is at the bottom of a fuel tank? It's what's inside the fuel pump that fails - someone showing an external pic of a fuel pump with sediment covering the mesh shows no failure by cause of the pump...it shows long term use in a dirty tank with the pump mounted too low to the bottom. This will kill any pump eventually, even with a sick filter. Why? I don't have 450rwkw in the GTS-T and never will...and cbf with wiring and cutting to use a different pump. The 040 is perfectly capable of flowing 600hp+ which is more than I'll need and has been trialed by myself to last 5 years when it's only warrantied for 1. Plenty of people kill walbros and an E85 pump - still don't understand what makes it an E85 pump - is no exception to the same rules that kill non E85 fuel pumps in non E85 tanks.
  10. Great laps guys Can't wait to get my 33 GTS-T along to PI What class would it run in with bolt on mods / aftermarket ECU and no weight reduction? As it's my daily I really need the GTR on the road before I can risk destroying it haha November could be a good date for this
  11. That^ I don't understand his logic...if he took it apart and found impeller blades corroded away it would make sense...but he's showing the mesh covered in sediment? These pumps sit at the bottom of fuel tanks and suck lol He'll get a shock when he pulls out the walbro in 12 months and it looks the same...
  12. Come around after work and fit my new 040 - will supply tools and pay cash more than RP pay you by the hour!
  13. I'm surprised they're not more popular than they are (and they are popular). See people doing lift pumps and twin 044 setups in street cars lol? A single 040 can flow 600hp+...shitloads of headroom on this pump and at $160 why bother with anything else! Interestingly Just Jap say not suitable for E85 but this website does http://www.dp-engineering.nl/bosch-040-motorsport-in-tank-fuel-pump.html On that note, anyone know what makes an E85 pump an E85 pump? I'm not sure I buy the gimmick when I've been running E85 for longer than the designed for E85 fuel pumps have been around - where is the test of time?
  14. Appreciate the concern but I don't see it popping my engine anytime soon while I'm driving around off boost. Worst case I end up stranded and needing a tow. It already leaned out on me today on boost, that might have been a lucky experience but now that I know it's on the way out I'm driving cautiously. That this one lasted 5 years is a good enough interval for me to suggest I installed the first pump properly with good wiring and in a good position - plenty of people kill walbros/Nismos/bosches in shorter time; replacing fuel pumps is just a fact of life for modified cars and in-tank pumps that cop abuse from tracking etc. Everyone replaces them. The 040 is cheap and to a degree it'll be take out and drop in cause the hose lengths are already cut for it and wires soldered to correct terminal size. Fk doing all that again for another pump type. Tell you what if this next one goes I'll get a 460 Also gonna keep the variable voltage setup - think this may be a reason for longevity of the pump as a lot of the time it was cruising away on low voltage mode. Also keeps it quiet.
  15. I swore I'd never do another 33 in tank pump again after the first installation...it's a nightmare for anyone without spaghetti arms. But here I am...
  16. inb4 get a different pump - if I'm buying a new pump another 040 is going in! 5 years is nothing to sneeze at and 2 of those with ethanol when it's not even sposed to be compatible with it.
  17. Vic WL My 040 in tank pump has been noisier than normal for the last month or so. Thought it was my imagination being overly sensitive to all the sounds my car makes (Skyline paranoia) and Leesh telling me she can't hear it. So I took off from the lights today showing an HSV how it's done and hit a brick wall on high boost in second; thought I'd done a cooler hose so putted off boost to my destination and popped the bonnet. All hoses secure no sign of a break in. Fuel pump quite noisy on idle now, and especially noisy when the variable voltage kicks in with throttle on...Leesh can hear so it's not my imagination. After 5 years of faithful service, is the 040 dying a slow death? Now feels like I'm driving a ticking time bomb. Gonna buy another one but fearing there may be another issue at hand. Is it possible fuel lines / filter / rail have a blockage and the pump is noisier because it's trying to suck a softball through a straw? Started getting noiser pre-98 octane switch, but now feeling like the switch has aggravated it further...possibly because I ran the tank pretty dry or the 98 has caused some crap to unclog and re clog somewhere? Sincerely, Birds
  18. Frequent domestic flyer?
  19. Funny thing about marketing is you can be qualified for the years of experience and the tertiary education but if you haven't spent any time in that particular industry that's where you fall short in being considered...a lot of companies chasing said experience want people who've worked specifically in that industry which seems to count more than who you've worked for or how long you've been doing it. Doesn't usually matter for marketing assistants and coordinators but anything senior is usually industry specfic. When I was looking for new jobs I actually saw one that wanted 3 years experience working in the denim jeans industry wtf? Good luck finding that candidate.Very hard to get out of the automotive industry once you're typecast into it too. Any idea what salary range Symantec would be offering?
  20. Can't link but I can linkedin
  21. I once knew a Chinese buyer who did his own conveyancing Just kidding I don't know any Chinese
  22. Bargain Varex http://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/457562-r34-smic-r33-3-varex-muffler-r33-3-pacemaker-front-pipe/#entry7552303
  23. I had pork...the menu warned me of the spiciness and this is Indians giving something a warning of being hot! Have had it before though and never got more than a long toilet stay the next day. This has continued for the past few days. Pork is always a good candidate for food poisoning I guess.The throat symptoms are a bit like when I've had a stomach ulcer before and you have that feeling of reflux burn, like the esophagus feels slightly burnt from the stomach. Trachea feels okay. I suppose food poisoning could have been responsible and the symptoms do appear to be lessening rather than progressing. Just unusual that I've had no want to throw up like I've had before with food poisoning. No real fever besides the bed sweats which were bad on first night but have gotten better - only a couple patches lastnight. Thanks for your consideration!
  24. Its a broken system and I wouldn't be surprised if uni enrollments have diminished over the years and will continue to. Not unlike the housing situation it's something that needs to be looked at because heaps of people never end up paying back their uni debts and/or end up in the welfare lines costing further money. If I could go back to 17/18 I would have taken up a trade and gotten into investment somewhere. But as a high school kid you're brainwashed to go to uni so you can get a degree and get a good job...go through uni paying to do what your friends are getting paid to do...get out of uni and your tradie mates already have houses and earning more than you. Several years before you overtake them and if they've been wise about their investments you'll never overtake them. Uni is a stepping stone and never a guarantor of a good job or career path but it certainly wasn't advertised with that reality when I was in high school. And I have a job / to a degree am a successful product of the university system, albeit not earning as much as tradie friends - plenty of people who don't even have what I have and well, fk their lives.
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