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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Hey Terry, are humans known to catch anything from Birds other than H5N1? Got bitten by a cockatoo last weekend and have had some gastrointestinal symptoms since...diarrhea, esophagitis, bed sweats. Mind you I also had some very spicy Indian the same night and whilst I love spicy food my digestive system doesn't. It doesn't seem to be progressing into anything but am thinking a tetanus shot might have been a good idea after the bite. Your thoughts?
  2. Marketing student mentalityI'm all for getting rid of useless courses and university not necessarily guaranteeing you a well paying job, but jobs in an industry that require qualification should compensate the earning of said qualification to a degree (see what I did there). Other industries do it, with many companies paying employees to do courses paid for by the employer - why should it be any different? The only argument I see against it is if you believe in free market, where it's obviously a popular job role to be in hence can pay so little in spite of needing to go to university for it.
  3. Yeah just sounded funny, I know a few marketing people who will stay in the role for decades.
  4. Should be much more given most marketing coordinator jobs require tertiary education You'd wanna love marketing for that average pay plus uni debt And wtf is with that last sentence lol?
  5. Still better than marketing which starts significantly lower lol Speaking of - senior marketing specialist role going at Symantec...
  6. Mohsen shouldn't do anything
  7. Working a fulltime job on the frontline of the industry you're investing in, that gives you regular insight for the property market and experience working within it...you're already starting a foot ahead of every other investor. You work and breathe what others have to do in their spare time. Tons of advantages to it if you're wanting to invest in property.
  8. A mate of mine also did said 3 month course Prior to which he was working at liquorland I think
  9. Shirley you can't be serious
  10. This is where the 86 shines as an underpowered rear wheel drive If you can get it to the corners and up to speed it's amazing If all you're doing is booting it in a straight line and expecting to win the traffic light GP you're gonna have a bad time
  11. That's my big problem with this bitch Do what you want with your own money but don't proclaim anyone can do the same As dumb as a rags to riches rapper saying they have more money than this bitch therefore she could be the next eminem
  12. Also lol at headlines always reporting the portfolio value and proclaiming them multi-millionaires Firesell all the properties and see which bank account the millions go back to lol
  13. Ultimately she can afford the risk though, her parents will always bail her out which is why she went on the venture in the first place
  14. Stranger things have happened, like a property recession, but if she's spending all her pay on shortfalls and has fk all equity, all it takes is one badly empty tenancy for the house of cards to start tumbling
  15. It would certainly be interesting times for investors spending their pay packets on multiple shortfalls and their negative gearing if a housing bubble did burst and a landslide of renters moved out to do their own thing. Would be slow and steady enough to counter for the savvy, but suddenly the investors would be the ones needing to get better jobs to own their own houses lol...
  16. Difference between her and the "anyones" who can do it too, is when he five tenants move out at varying times and she has to cover the shortfall, I wonder who will come to her rescue...
  17. That's a corkerBecause she's tried owner occupied before? In her vast experience kicking off on an investment journey...the grand total of...once. Should be rephrased to "What worked for me was..."
  18. Term of loan brah
  19. That's a good article and picks her case apart well.Why do people think they are 100% in charge of their fates and opportunities from the get go? You can't help what you're born into and no one can say they did everything on their own, so you shouldn't take 100% credit either or project your own successss onto others who have had a very different first 18-20 years of their lives. That bitch had her parents flying her on overseas trips 20+ times...she had nothing else to save/spend her money on other than a house deposit. Also, with real estate investors, just like pro gamblers, Wall Street, start up ventures and your mate who won the trifecta at the Melbourne cup...you only hear about the successful, rarely the failed. Someone has to win and someone has to lose and there's often a hell of a lot of luck involved in that.
  20. Each to their own but there's nothing else for the same money that comes close in looks, handling and rwd...there's a reason they're farkin everywhere these days...Toyota found a niche and filled it. They will be the next big P plater and tuner car once turbo/blower conversions become more widespread and the second hand market value comes down a lot.
  21. I'm surprised more of these guys aren't doing the supercharger or turbo conversions; that chassis has so much potential as a track car Must be too new for people to want to risk their engines lol
  22. I just don't see why some douche who did a medical degree for 6 years or put in the hard yards / cut back on spending habits when he was younger should own his own house when I'm stuck renting in Richmond and can barely afford music festivals let alone the repayments on my 3 series
  23. I wouldn't buy one these days with adaptronic and haltech available, but I've had mine for 5 years and rather than getting another 98 tune done on another twice as expensive ECU and then getting the E tune on top of it, a simple retune for E was the viable option for me. It's still popular because every tuner can do them, they are plug and play and cheap and do the job just fine for all but serious racers. People love the hand controllers too lol
  24. What sort of power/torque increases have the 86 people seen from it?
  25. Where you going for dirt bike trips that isn't a 400km round trip?
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