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Everything posted by Birds

  1. I don't wanna talk about houses I can't afford Might have to get a better job so I can
  2. But that's not a static tune nor a Power FC, which is the issue here. Ultimately people like myself have to get a winter and summer tune and even that is a compromise...else upgrade to an ECU that can auto correct or auto tune.
  3. E85's big card is its 107 octane rating that is more resilient to detonation and allows you to advance timing beyond what you could achieve with 98 all things equal. With this in mind, theoretically you will see a significant midrange power increase for any forced induction vehicle regardless of its intercooler setup or lack of. I see no reason it can't substitute the detonation prevention that a intercooler provides in cooling the air and therefore the mixture pre-combustion, as ultimately it's the fuel that reacts to the hot air and you're changing the fuel here. E85 still suffers from its myths and people being scared to try something new that they've heard unfounded bad about - there's no reason XR6 turbos can't benefit from them and they do, there are plenty of them running it, just not as many as Skylines and Evos. It's just that the Jap import community jumped on E85 before the Aussie car enthusiasts did and when yours peers do mods you're more likely to do them than other people will.
  4. Do I really have to state again that my E85 tune was done in summer. This is very different to tuning in winter and a winter tune vice versa simply won't bode as well on scorching days. People having E85 starting troubles from both of the tuners who shall not be named suggests there is validity to my point. When ambient temperature has a huge effect on engine performance and you have a static tune that doesn't auto correct for variables...what makes anyone think there is one optimal tune for all conditions? It's always going to be a compromise.
  5. 6 turns of the key, cranking for about 3-4 seconds each time. Then you have to keeps the revs up nice n high everytime you slip the clutch for the first couple of minutes of driving
  6. Ric I normally dig the styles but that "nanna's just made us marmalade on toast" shirt is ruining it for me...the colour contrast works but dat pattern damn
  7. In the scheme of things for you it's probably not a big deal, especially as you don't daily it, but for everyone else who don't have tow trucks camping outside our house like velociraptors, we expect to get going quickly each morning And not to wear out our starter motors
  8. Car started on second crank this morning, leading me to believe that unless the 98 mix isn't pure enough (doubt it, given 59L/63L), I may have an injector issue be it a leak or blockage. If I recall correctly my car always did this since I put the injectors in...and E85 tune obviously exacerbates the issue into a 5-6 crank start up on cold mornings.
  9. If it's gotta be individual tools though: ratchet spanners or ratchets on the whole are an amazing invention. Such satisfying little clicks those spanners give when tightening nuts.
  10. Gonna say my ~140pc Stanley toolkit which fits perfectly behind my drivers seat in the rear passenger footwell - seriously, it's like it's made for it. Wedges in place when the seat is in my position and does not move about at all. Has sockets, spanners, pliers, screwdrivers, ratchets, extensions, hex keys...every hand tool you'd need to pull apart a car or perform tricky roadside repair and these tools just don't break (have had a 1.5 metre jack handle as a breaker bar on the end of the ratchet trying to get a sumo plug off; the hard rubber handle wasn't even phased by this). Have a small torx set to go with it but that's all it needed additionally. I also like Stanley tools because I'm OCD and given most of their stuff is chrome alloy or hard plastic / nylon, they just wipe clean with a cloth Plus the coloured see-through screwdrivers haven't changed design in decades. They are the same as the Stanley screwdrivers I would nick from dad's toolkit when I was 5 years old
  11. Yeah most cops won't notice it. I've never had trouble with mine but there are cops who know what they are and can recognise em. Just sayin don't be surprised if it's part of a defect - noise testers (when clearing an EPA) also do their test with it on open mode from my experiences.
  12. If that was the case them why did Caltex run an E70 mixture for their flex fuel during winter for easier starts? Petrol enriches the mix = easier starts. Try starting it on 100% ethanol and see how well you go! Like I said, it matters when your car was tuned. A car tuned on a 30 degree day or a 15 degree cold start is NOT going to bode well come Melbourne winter, not in a concrete underground carpark. Just filled up with 59 litres of BP. How many litres is the 33 tank? 63? Already enjoying the very low end response (from idle to 2000rpm) of this tune. Lost that epic mid range, though. Should make safer full throttle driving in the wet. I have a small turbo and in the top end E85 vs 98 is only 25rwkw difference but the midrange is about 40-45. It's no longer the performance bargain it was for the price it is now. Still worth it if you can take the low mileage and limited locations, but it's definitely lost some appeal thanks to United's monopoly tactics.
  13. Another consideration is the E content people get tuned on vs a more pure tank down the track. Prolly doesn't hurt to get a touch up tune regardless for fulltime E85 users. Might look into it for this alone.
  14. I don't think it's a myth given my 98 tune was also done in summer and starts first time everytime all year long - E85 is more sensitive to cold starts, it needs a lot of flow with a cold engine otherwise a summer tune would do you fine through winter. It can be remedied but ultimately it'll never be as good as 98 or a full flex tune. It's more evident in the more highly strung/tuned vehicles too - I'd hate to do it with a set of lumpy cams and a race car that rarely gets started.
  15. Nah just acquired more R33s lol
  16. My GTS-T is the topic of the E85 discussion
  17. FYI Varex isn't EPA legal
  18. If that's the case why did old mate try to get more from a power pole
  19. Also cold start issues have less to do with the tuner and more to do with when the vehicle was actually tuned - in my case the E85 tune was done in summer where a cold start tune is nowhere near the overnight temperatures of winter. I could get that fixed with a winter tune enrichment if I wasn't lazy, but that still won't resolve the other issues. The fuel on the whole doesn't like a cold engine; it's a good 5 minutes before you see any potential out of it. It's good to do a petrol run for a few tanks now and then.
  20. Cold start is a pain; no point having all the power I do when roads are wet half the time; I like to pickle the fuel system in petrol at least a couple times a year to clear any potential build up in fuel rail/injectors/lines; E85 isn't exactly cheap at the moment; will be doing some long distance driving soon and filling up anywhere plus 400km+ to a tank will be handy for that.
  21. Prolly cos it actually had like factory power but dem escalated hub figures
  22. Exterior is rizzed, mess my interior it's suicide ya dickhead
  23. If a muzza gives you attitude drop him on the spot
  24. Birds

    Orange R32 Gtr

    Except his virginity
  25. How do you even manage speed bumps
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