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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Not the bees gif was a reference to his opening line I'm guessing Also f**k wally
  2. You're paying me in hair? Are you insane?
  3. I wouldn't distinguish laziness too far from brain smarts; I think they are both personality traits whether you inherited genetically or through nurture...a lazy person can become motivated no more easily than someone can improve their smarts with knowledge. Ergo some of these people are perpetually fked regardless of being lazy or not!
  4. Are you not saving more money off the repayments than negative gearing would give you in tax credits?
  5. They fked
  6. Shitty example then. I have a feeling she used that because a reasonable house in a reasonable area with a reasonable wage comparison wouldn't have given her argument much spine at all. My 2 bedroom apartment in Boronia changed hands for $375k less than 2 years ago. It's a fantastic apartment with 3 bathrooms and 2 underground car spaces and plenty of space as a couple, let alone a single person. Now not everyone wants to live in Boronia, but welcome to capitalism. It's not so bad - logistically it's 35 minutes from the city, 40 minutes from the beach, 5 minutes from the swanky hipster-ridden mountain cafés, 20 minutes from melbourne's most expensive suburbs and 15 minutes from a plethora of corporate jobs in suburbia. That's called living within your means and still enjoying life. At 375k - let's call it 420k now (blaze it fgt) - even a conservative 50k wage working as a receptionist with 30% living expenses; a well budgeted individual would have it paid off in 15 years or less...this is assuming you don't earn a promotion or get a better paying job, and that you don't board out the second room or end up with a partner who can co-contribute for a massive dent on the principal and loan term. That is a real world example and something the dumb bitch who wrote that letter wouldn't understand - no wonder she's working in HR, HR managers are f**king useless cunts and in the words of Joe Hockey she needs to get a better job.
  7. I'm not really upset about Hockey getting attacked even though I think that was blown out of proportion and taken way out of context. I do believe housing affordability is an issue that should be addressed and yes worse than it was years ago, BUT not as bad as people are making it out to be when so many with average jobs are capable of doing it - Alex would see a lot of this and living in a fringe suburb myself I see a lot of it too in my neighbours. What really rustles my jimmies here is the entitlement Marxist crowd who want to work a graduate job in the city and don't want to travel more than 15 minutes to get to it or want stone throw access to swanky bars in the inner suburbs. I think it's all a part of that internet generation who want the best of everything now and don't want to wait or better themselves to achieve it. Labor are probably the only ones who can get away with pulling back negative gearing...LNP would lose the most votes doing that...but then again it seems to be the union backed tradies with investment properties these days; my landlord included.
  8. http://www.businessinsider.com.au/mother-of-two-calls-out-treasurer-joe-hockey-with-an-open-letter-doing-the-maths-on-sydney-housing-affordability-2015-6 Poor woman had to borrow money from her family to buy her first house...shock horror Uses as an example the most expensive housing market in the country weighed against the average nationwide wage for a single university graduate #leftylogic Why do people think being able to easily buy an inner city property as a single person with any old job is a god given right? And when did this mentality begin? I can't remember my parents wanting to live in Toorak on average wage - they bought on the fringe with decent jobs, which 35 years later happens to be a very good area...now!
  9. Terminator 2 Dat rarity when a movie sequel is better than the original
  10. So is the guy whose connections I was viewing
  11. Name at the top made me laugh way too much...sounds like one of those shitty rapper names with a common word or phrase that deviates from traditional spelling
  12. I bet most whinging about inner suburbs being too expensive to buy work city jobs instead of working jobs closer to where they can afford to live
  13. inb4 he sells to Chinese for 100mil once it's built
  14. That's a lot of NDSOC meets
  15. Pay is the least of the knock on effects from industrial action
  16. I'd rather get fired
  17. And the nazis just preferred blondes
  18. New CEO was marketing director at Nissan circa 1991-1995 Had an ADM 32R as his company car Things are on the up and up
  19. You work for an organisation that prints money, your remuneration is invalid
  20. That doesn't sound good for the local change management coordinator
  21. My favourite was In The End or Roses or Party Rock Anthem But close... thefeels.jpg
  22. She is lol, always funny watching the bench next to us; usually 3 guys working in together with terrible form benching the same weight
  23. Or unreasonable expectations from management
  24. Good to see people not abusing club reg
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