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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Also, finding out your union is corrupt and actually costing you money...time to call up the boys for an organised protest...oh wait
  2. Dunno what's a bigger crime, the corruption or that some cleaners were supposed to be getting paid $50 an hour
  3. We demand safer working environments and to show it we're going to stand in the middle of this busy street with pickets
  4. This varies depending on the organization and meeting budget - most don't give bonuses in a bad year. The thing about an office job you're trying to make a career out of, is they can't make you work overtime, but if you don't it just looks bad to upper management and you can enjoy your glass ceiling career path because ultimately they'll promote the guy who is willing to work the overtime for nothing. Sucks but the same thing will happen with tradies when replaced with immigrant workers willing to do the same job for less.
  5. I'm confident that if people on a salary took overtime pay and had union organised strikes many companies and the economy would collapse
  6. Congrats on 58kg bench 2 away from the big goal!
  7. Short Asian dude at gym wearing yoga pants with a ridiculously obvious bulge in the front The goggles, they do f**king nothing
  8. Was always gonna happen brah - she was either gonna be there 5-6 days a week or they were gonna find their own place. Now you can start advertising for someone who isn't a drop kick. Or enjoy the free space. But with your complaints about mortgage lyf I'm guessing you'll prefer the former.
  9. Patty http://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/457389-brand-new-r32-and-r33-airconditioning-compressors/#entry7548644
  10. Toyota 1JZ is 5 bolt Dunno what the VG would be though
  11. In Soviet Russia you guard your rollers
  12. I'll lend you Aaron for a night but must be back by 12 and strictly no bruising
  13. Birds

    Orange R32 Gtr

    Someone probably bougut a car, I imagine this phenomenon happens at least once or twice a day
  14. Even if the meaning is taken out of context - and he probably is talking about big houses in expensive areas - ahat I don't get is why he would say that comment in the first place when it seems to contradict what Hockey was saying; implying that housing affordability is so bad that even cabinet ministers can be struggling?
  15. lol maybe the Titanic
  16. 2/10 read but won't retain
  17. You don't need employment in Australia when you came here with millions Plus dem 8 person households
  18. My nanna's house in airport west cost a few grand or something ridiculous like that
  19. Does he earn credits for nights he doesn't use? Loyalty incentive program? e.g. Each night she's not over, she gets a free 10 minute shower redeemable at next visit...and every minute over that cap charged at $2 a minute. Wait outside the bathroom door with a stopwatch and give a 5 minute warning knock.
  20. And free gas/elec/water for the gf in exchange for meals he doesn't have to cook Guy has life sorted I'll admit this
  21. This to me is like discovering Kramer had a property investment portfolio all these years
  22. Also if you claim to be a vegetarian and intentionally kill insects you're missing out on both meat and brains
  23. 5 properties...lol what a fkin leech. Making you sweat over his gf's utility usage so he can tenant them all out instead of taking on a mortgage himself. Hope the interest rates soar and fk this guy out of his own equity.
  24. Are Facebook storing these proof of IDs? It seems to me like they'll be using this information to help police track down criminals and cyber bullying blah blah Surely this will kill half of Facebook, i.e. the trolls and bullies, not the shit half i.e. annoying feed people
  25. Leave the deadlock unlocked and find out...
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