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Everything posted by Birds

  1. You can't get a $30,000 car to hold up, what makes you think you can do it with a $500 car
  2. Mining union heavyweight?
  3. Hard luck on the boat shoes and satchel Ham
  4. Billy Walsh is so good
  5. I though stao always maintained that the only engine modification to this thing was a set of forged pistons, as many questioned the modifications done to achieve certain power levels
  6. Reverse kanga is often sufficient to send a message without spiting oneself simultaneously
  7. And money almost always compensates for putting up with shit So I say fair to cop some extra money An extra person also makes the house dirtier
  8. Birds


    Think you have to ask yourself: regardless of research and benefits, what can this product actually offer you and is it significant? What is missing from you now that you're not getting from your current clothes? Do you need said cardiovascular benefit? Are you an elite runner chasing that .1% edge on the competition or do you have more to gain by mentally pushing yourself harder alone / adopting performance increases that don't cost you money. I apply similar logic to supplements. People buy so much shit - wow, like 8 different supplements - to do all manner of things to their body, the benefits of which they aren't really even sure of...or if they've even been proven to work...and they are nowhere near the level where they should be looking for an edge. When someone weaker than me talks about their psyllium husk and flaxseed oil and BCAAs...I just think wow, what a waste of money; this person hasn't even pushed the limits of what they're capable of without this shit; I'm not even that strong by powerlifter standards and this person is taking all this shit while all I do is supplement protein (if I don't eat enough meat). So honestly, unless they prevent heart attacks or make you perform significantly better and you're already at your limits, I'd rather you be buying them for the muppet look. And if you tell me it's to stay warmer I will tell you to run harder/faster/further!
  9. Up to season 4 watching them all from the top - I'm not gonna make it in time, got slack for the last couple weeks
  10. You need to go all Ari Gold on them; sit them down and say you're not getting free dinners anymore, so unless she's gonna help your girlfriend service you then gtfo
  11. If you were her you'd unfortunately be sucking her bf's cock and prolly have a different opinion on being a scumbag Lucky you're not and the hypothetical can end there
  12. Fk that do it while she's there so you can show her what a real man sounds like in front of her bae
  13. Hamish will surely chew on gorilla cock before he sides with Bolt Nail on the head http://theblacksteamtrain.blogspot.com.au/2014/08/adam-goodes-ensuring-racism-as-sport.html?m=1
  14. I think you were already getting a pretty decent deal from him if I recall correctly, but if that bitch is showering everyday and eating there then no reason he shouldn't be paying 2/3 the bills
  15. Impossible to answer that question Just start taking shit out of your diet You'll know pretty quickly if you're doing it right and how long it'll take
  16. lol'd so hard http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3102499/Adam-Goodes-sparks-social-media-storm-Indigenous-inspired-war-dance-celebration-Sydney-Swans-win-Carlton.html
  17. So good I can pretty much tell the whole story from those raps, no OP needed
  18. You could have at least replied to my generous offer
  19. lol @ macro analyzing diet without even seeing it
  20. Guy was cool about it; I was talking to him for over an hour...he didn't take offence or anything I just wondered why his response made it seem like a silly question. He used to work as a CAD designer of machine parts doing 10 hour days in smoke filled rooms in Korea with fk all pay...didn't sound that much more glorious than the north lol. Now a part time chef at a hotel and part time uber.
  21. Ask Korean uber driver if he's from the north or south Laughs mockingly at me saying "ho yeah I drive uber and my father is kim jong un hahaha" Was that really a ridiculous question for me to ask?
  22. Drez's fashionister brother in arms
  23. Ask them if that's not good enough what they would like you to send them as proof; photo of you next to your Pulsar - no one would fake that
  24. Don't forget, if you don't have metal stucco lath You can always use carbon fibre stucco lath
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