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Everything posted by Birds

  1. This isn't pawn stars, the tyres are worth what they sell for
  2. Function over form Have driven a VN Commodore before and whilst not a pleasant experience I could see how the location of those buttons would be handy and ugly all at the same time
  3. Who says it's about power? Most people get an exhaust for the sound
  4. Gonna say THPS2 on PS1 bought for $1 from Caribbean market
  5. Who stuff the banks Who staff the party ranks
  6. How long? Not long Cause what you reap Is what you sow
  7. Do it fgt Btw non turbo 2 litre Calibras topped out at mid 230s thanks to their aerodynamics and torque Needed a long ass freeway to test that theory out
  8. For whatever reason I can't explain, but when I have the Varex closed the car seems to move off the line easier with less clutch slip required, as if it has a little more torque...perhaps back pressure? After this is starts choking, but only very minor until positive pressure where it becomes obvious. I've also boosted plenty of times with the Varex shut...it's a little laggier than normal but you can still put a few psi through it and move in traffic at modern Commodore/Falcon acceleration speeds. I would rather link something to the TPS or a kick down button on the accelerator pedal. I feel that would be more dependable than anything running off pressure or engine rpm. Really though, most of the time I drive with Varex open because I like hearing the loud exhaust. Closed mode is just handy for when you need it and better to have it and not need it IMO. Sound is also directional Scotty - that cop may not fully appreciate the volume of your exhaust until you're in front of him.
  9. From the lulz thread because Leroy when he's 65
  10. This Arriving at work, coming/going in the twilight hours of my shared and echo inducing carpark, or seeing police in traffic; it's a must for the eastern suburbs.
  11. At a guess about 90,000km. Have not tracked it but I don't take it easy on my car + all number of smoking brake hill climbs on legal roads of course. Also has had weeks of unburnt fuel driving on 5 cylinders as per my sporadic coilpack issues. Like I said I had a rich 98 tune before so the bore is probably lined thick with too much soot but I've never seen anything more than surface rust on my pipes. Cat and muffler are stainless steel. I daily operate the Varex and believe this contributed to keeping it operational and preventing it from sticking. I wouldn't expect to not operate it for 6 months and maintain a perfect seal or turn without a little help. I don't think they are good value either, but If someone wants dead silence and a loud muffler at the same time there really isn't a better alternative. All you can really offer with a static muffler is a compromise.
  12. Maybe the problem lies in the installation How did the Varexes fail? I must have struck it lucky; both Varex and mild steel piping still intact after 5 years...willing to accept I could be an outlier but I'll happily recommend this setup based on my ongoing positive experience with it.., Touchwood (touchmildsteel?)
  13. Interesting - been years since I've been to them. I used to live in Vermont too, so that would have only been handier for me.
  14. So it's just surface rust? If so I say harden the fk up Otherwise, your real problem with the exhaust may be two letters long...
  15. lol this guy ain't coming back; observe the trail of no replies
  16. http://www.mfb.vic.gov.au/News/Altona-unit-destroyed-in-suspicious-blaze.html
  17. Also all systems on street driven cars rust out with surface rust eventually, even stainless given enough time and not maintaining it. Mild just does it quicker, within like 6 months. Black mild steel is good enough to hide the look. Stainless looks like ass when it has spots all over it IMO. mild4lyf
  18. If you're not far from Melbourne east, you're more than welcome to come have a listen to my RB25DET running mild steel 3" from the turbo back with a resonator and a twin tip Varex at the end. I supplied the Varex and the "cat", Performance Exhaust in Ringwood did the rest for $600. This was a good 5 years ago. Couldn't be happier with the sound myself. It's not too loud (albeit illegally loud with Varex open), nice burble on idle, screams up top, doesn't drone at any rpm (even if it did the Varex is always there) and the Varex is still opening and closing brilliantly.
  19. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/085/944/M'kay.PNG
  20. lol my next move was quantum colonisation Would also have accepted time travel / retro-colonisation
  21. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmosphere_colonization Theoretical science 1 Alex 0
  22. I don't get 32Rs or their speciality and price premium Cool they dominated Bathurst for a couple of years Like 23 years ago Now unreliable as shit, cost thousands and thousands to maintain, rusting out, ugliest interior to grace a 90s Jap car But 20k+ because Godzilla
  23. Can't comment on yours, too many factors including the Greg factor, but mine is ace after running three years of E85. May also help that there is a thick layer of unburnt fuel / soot lining the pipes from when I was running a rich 98 tune. Either way she's structurally sound and if she ever gives way then I get a straight out exhaust thrown in for free
  24. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_colonization
  25. I don't know where he mentioned ethanol But on that note...no complaints from my exhaust yet and it runs E85 fulltime... Mild steel systems sound infinitely better than tinny stainless which seem more likely to drone IMO
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