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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Is this funny because it's documenting your stack or because it gave you a crow flies trip to the pits
  2. They say Rome wasn't built in a day and the ALP's debt was much bigger than Rome An ALP debt is something truly special - even Pyne couldn't fix that in one term
  3. This quote here from that article is one of the best statements I've read in a long time
  4. We have really cool red light sabers Labor has really cool red bank accounts
  5. Come to the right side
  6. Stop playing tennis?
  7. Car will still break non warranty items or events defined under acts of god
  8. If the price point is there the people will be
  9. Australia - the only country in the world whose lawmakers think a burnout will kill people...or chose to use it as a scapegoat for revenue raising laws
  10. That's just what the user has said in their player review - I've never quit during a game (fight til the end even if getting ass kicked). But I do troll people who do. Most of these people who have rated me negatively have been victims of said trolling lol
  11. fypbrah
  12. Aww nobody wants to play with me!
  13. It'd surely go off welfare...TFN wouldn't work because of self employed...census seems unreliable?
  14. For a guy worth 100mil plus he is ridiculously down to earth Drives S350, modest 4 bedroom house, small holiday apartment in Lorne General manager sold his 10% share too Which sounds like fk all But is $20mil+ I rushed to buy shares in parent company but they halted trading on the ASX before they told us lol They doing a share offer to raise capital for the acquisition anyway, at a 5% discount to the last traded price...these things usually stop the insider trading.
  15. P.S. old mate came to Australia as an immigrant at 17 living at his brothers house and pissing money away on booze until his brother told him to get his shit together and get a job Nek half century - slightly more successful than brother
  16. My CEO sold his shares in his $200m company today 51% stake Should invite to VWLBC?
  17. Send someone a vector graphic "Do you have a better option for the diagram. We are putting it in our flyer and the resolution is quite poor." Send proof of resolution being adequate by zooming in on the vector and screenshotting it. "That's much better, I'll use that instead" - referring to using my screenshot jpeg
  18. Before Wesley Snipes it was Eddie and Charlie
  19. Yeah
  20. Pretty sure you said 100% of replicas will fail in the first 5 years
  21. My D1Rs...I hit a curb pretty hard after 3 years of driving on them and it was only slightly buckled No cracks or spokes falling out
  22. Reps ARE deadly you wannabe fgt brb -30 degrees camber 225 summer tyres on 10.5" genuine rim
  23. People think my D1Rs are fake because I removed the stickers
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