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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Fair call In which case I think you should take a look at it These cars will be worth their money one day, mark my words. The most popular model of Skyline and all of them thrashed out / parted out or written off one day. Will be the new VL turbo but not a piece of shit.
  2. Saw that Ric but didn't send cause price a tad high even if it's one of the better looking 33s
  3. Apparently you're going to the punctuation expo Which to my surprise is a registered trademark
  4. I'm not Asian enough to regularly visit an Asian shop Though I live literally 50 metres from one
  5. Does not get haiku Yet he create a haiku Now he get haiku
  6. I used to play pool with a girl named Aqua Granted she was a stripper and the pool table was at the strippers
  7. 5+ workouts a week? fk that, where do you guys find the time and how does that not mess with your recovery...unless you're doing one exercise each day? That's like a competing powerlifter training schedule. Used to workout 4 days a week and since having switched to 3...I'm never going back. Sometimes even just twice a week and it doesn't impact much if it's occasional. Also only 4 exercises total. Best I've ever looked and strongest too. I've reckon devoting a lot of time to those major exercises is the way for anyone but an advanced/competing bodybuilder or powerlifter. Keeping it simple and majoring in the majors. Now watch as I nazi everyone into my workout regime again...
  8. My CALIBRA which came out in 1989 had that fridge shit lol
  9. Moderation everything Best thing I've done in recent times was switch from a 4 to a 3 day a week workout Recovery went up and strength went up in everything
  10. Invest in prestige worldwide
  11. Not my probrem white boy
  12. Indomie 5 packs = $2 at Coles Buy buy buy
  13. I did that too...took a sabbatical from them to focus on squats and rest my back, as my back was starting to get regular stretchy feelings especially with the regular 1RM attempts. Glad I did because my squat has come up a fair bit from what it was and now I've reintroduced deads, they are much lighter but I have heaps better form. Always good to reset form once in a while and take a break from a particular exercise, particularly when you're not competing in lifting or anything. Sometimes it's as good as a break from the gym.
  14. More like comparison rape
  15. Would be nice if you mentioned it in the OP
  16. Speaking of, you're DLing reasonably heavy considering your history of back issues
  17. Just glad I can do the exercise again after all my shoulder troubles in the past, let alone set new PBs - human body is an amazing thing sometimes! It really motivates me knowing there are people my weight easily benching 160+ Gives that perspective that what I'm doing and aiming for can be easily accomplished
  18. If the fake ones look and behave like the real, who gives a shit? Attacking people for fake rims is as retarded as telling off every AC Cobra kit car you see on the road because it's not the genuine article Some people don't want to spend half their car's value on rims, nor wait months trawling drift sales for the right set to come along or risk buying second hand off someone dicey when they can buy exactly what they want new from a reputable seller /D1Rlogic
  19. Fake uninstall buttons; tyranny of the world
  20. Bench is sitting pretty at 126kg This after a set of 9 x 100kg Might be able to do 128kg fresh Inching closer to the 130kg goal
  21. How can fantastic noodles brand a flavour crispy bacon That's a texture you pricks
  22. lol'd Also apparently Asians have an innate culinary critic that white people try to use to feel more Asian themselves during meals People try to justify this shit by saying they want an authentic food experience. But since when did authentic guarantee a good meal? Good food makes good food and I'll pick that over authenticity anyday. If you want authentic Vietnamese in Australia, see how you go finding a kitchen who gets away with cooking their meals squatting on the sidewalk lol Also protip: the restaurant full of Asians doesn't necessary have authentically Asian food; they are probably there because it's cheap food or the demographics of the suburb are high in Asian proportion. By said idiot logic, every restaurant in Box Hill is a winner.
  23. Indomesia
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