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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Where I have a problem with that is that if the crim breaks into your house and the police haven't bothered to follow up the call but you bash said dead shit, I feel like you'd get sued for this and the police would come to your house rather quickly...to arrest you. Maybe I should do burnouts out the front of suspicious activity until TMU show up? I feel like criminals have it fking easy with the way law enforcement is set up. In spite of technology and supposedly better resources, it's never been easier to get away with a crime.
  2. It's ridiculous that the police force resources seem to be primarily an arm of state revenue and secondarily a public service. I get that the force has to pay for itself but take the tax from elsewhere or make TMU secondary priority so the TMU boys can actually be put to use stopping the real criminals instead of the people driving a little fast (who hasn't had a speeding fine in their life?). I personally think it's ridiculous that all calls for police help need to go through 000 now; can't just call up the station. What if it's not an emergency yet but could quickly evolve into one = I feel like I'm tying up an emergency line that someone may need to get through on, but I also want the police to do something about my situation.
  3. inb4 power cruise with a selfie stick go pro
  4. iraging
  5. Don't be silly, they've all practiced on racetracks while holding selfie sticks with go pros
  6. Let's get it happening!
  7. Just installed my set of these Friggen amazing tyres for the money! You should keep them for when you roll your guards!
  8. Also it's friggen handy living literally across the road from a tyre workshop. Cash tyre changes and alignments ftw - dude was trying to convince me to sign up to a drift event coming up lol
  9. Unrelated: Today switched from 50,000km old KU31 235s on the front and nearly bald R1R 265s on the rear to AD08 255s and AD08R 265s respectively. Wow what a transformation. Those tyres are unbelievably good value for the $220 each they cost me. So much corner grip it's ridiculous; just turns in so well with the 255s up front. And finally a set of road tyres that can hold my 2nd gear all the way through - time to break out the G-tech again Leigh Mind you, those KU31 are an incredibly hard wearing tyre. Still 40% tread left on these. Awesome value for a daily driver not pushing too much power.
  10. Don't believe your shit anymore Greg
  11. This is one of the few 32s I think is worth that much money Looks clean
  12. Wait til you try getting it back in; that's the fun part Also, how good is that feeling when you finally arrive home circa midnight after a long night of working on a car? Drive home is the sweetest, especially if you're enjoying the fix/modification you just made.
  13. Also $2 a litre might be fine in a race car but if E85 goes up past $1.50 in a street car, with no jump in the price of unleaded or 98, I won't be using it anymore.
  14. If that was true then E10 wouldn't be cheaper than unleaded; it would be more expensive if the ethanol was the expensive component in it's mix, but it's not. It's jumped by nearly 20 cents a litre and this happened around the time Caltex pulled out of e-flex. They're simply charging it because they can, which is fkin shit for people like me who got on it a couple of years ago and gave them a reason to even stock it. They're not supposed to be making that much money on the shit and economy of scale says it should be getting cheaper with more widespread use, not more expensive. I bet you if another chain came out with an E85 mix they would instantly take 20 cents a litre off it.
  15. Destroking? What is this madness
  16. Cause creating like creating kids and creatine the amino acid
  17. I stand corrected
  18. Correct Also the creating / creatine was a pun
  19. Has that even been done with an RB? Can you PM me Barry's email address, I left it at work
  20. Rooftop apartment popups Cannot think of anything more hipster
  21. Vasectomy = significantly reduced creatin' levels Hahaha
  22. Cept for aids Aids sucks
  23. That was the preference but Last communication to RP was to keep me regularly updated on free spaces in the workshop 2 months later still nothing I'll pass No hard feelings from me, but it ain't hard to send a weekly email or knock back the work and say try again in 3 months or something...stringing along is wasting everyone's time when my engine could be getting built right now They obviously get enough work from their loyal motorsport customers and need to service them as a priority which is fine, but I need to get this thing on the road
  24. Edge motorworks sounds promising Call and Barry answers Him: You vont stroker? Me: Yeah that or an RB30 bottom end Him: Yah 30 torque monsta...lots of power...do that I like where this is going
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