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Everything posted by Birds

  1. There was an RB25DET in there first Not even like he converted from RB20E SR20 fanboi
  2. What is the correlation with egg sensitivity, Terry?
  3. Cause it's f**king retarded I shouldn't have to explain this one to you, Ham
  4. Who the fk puts an SR20 in a Skyline Has to be the dumbest thing
  5. OG VWL will know
  6. So that's what happened to that guy
  7. Oh wait sorry didn't know that was rhetorical 3
  8. 2
  9. As for the wheels Well D1R
  10. I'd rather get stabbed in my sleep than stabbed in the real world Dream people can't really hurt you
  11. United are really pissing me off with their market monopolisation price hike Can someone explain to me E10 being cheaper than unleaded but E85 being on parity or more with it, as anything other than a cash grab at the niche market who supported United in unrolling and maintaining their E85 investment? E85 used to be about on par with running 99 octane and the advantage was a big power boost and slightly smoother engine. This is negated when it starts to cost more They deserve to lose the market to the 98 octane big boys Shell and BP, which is probably what will happen if they can't supply it for cheaper. The hike would surely have made a dent in people switching to it.
  12. Good way to gauge if they'll suck your dick
  13. In case you do care for what the female thinks of you, one of the things her friends are gonna ask when they talk to her about the date is if he paid for dinner...they judge you on this and she'll base her feelings partially on their judgement. Thus always good to pay first date...after that do what you want / develop a shared payment scheme or layby option for her
  14. It really depends on the context But if you're wondering, for taking the note, you look no better than someone who offered to pay half / she feels she paid even if it wasn't half
  15. Using her female peripheral vision to scan for your hand movement to your pocket, the only place you keep your wallet
  16. Equal rights means having the right to pay for your share... The way I see it, the female either subscribes 100% to old school chivalry or she doesn't. If she's expecting you to pay for that whole bill, you need to expect your clothes folded and sandwiches made.
  17. Ric's funky sleeves gonna get him fired for being too damn stylish Straight masterpiece
  18. I f**k on the first date If she gets some of my maccas it's a bonus
  19. Death threats because someone you don't know wanted someone else you don't know to pay for their meal? How do these people draw the neural energy required to get out of bed everyday?
  20. Ah k I get you. Not so much interested in a receipt for the cost, more as proof / itemisation of what was done in the build.
  21. You mean broccoli and carbtein
  22. And this chateau le blanc '68 is supposed to be served slightly chilled...this is room temperature! If anyone gets that reference without using google then R.I.P funny man
  23. Yep cutting is gonna be a bitch for her come the time Can't just jump on chicken and broccoli
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