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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Grease is good
  2. She vegetarian so most of her diet is carbs...needs pure protein to balance out dem macros.
  3. It ain't all good, and that's the truth Things ain't going like Hamish think they should
  4. CR33M...get on bottom...
  5. Get on top?
  6. Is Dymatize hydrolyzed synthesized? Does it energize and vitalize?
  7. Yeah well these people aren't the kind to have their monies sitting in a high interest account or portfolio of investments, but I agree it's a good strategy if you're not a paycheck to paycheck person.
  8. Nothing worse than an FOB in the CBD not paying FBT to the ATO.
  9. Most of the time I heard this was when people were 18/19 working their first and/or second casual job and don't understand how a tax free threshold works - most whinging when they owed tax after declaring it for both their jobs.
  10. I put these people in the same basket as those who blanket state that you get taxed more if you work a second job
  11. Interestingly I ran out of WPI lastnight and resorted to a bag of WPC I still had...noted much the same thing. I had it before bed so can't comment on if it gave me an upset stomach (haven't noticed anything), but it was harder to mix, creamier and didn't taste as nice. I hate standing there and shaking a drink, it drains my energy lol especially after a workout. I think BN source their WPI and WPC from different places hence the marked difference in taste that really shouldn't happen if they're using the same flavouring and just a different filtering process between the two.
  12. CBFd asking him for a name to obtain degrees of separation / realise it's a small world, especially when we have no other worlds to compare it to
  13. My friend just got approved for a business loan through NAB, what are the odds of you having anything to do with that or knowing the person Hamish?
  14. Isn't it saying enough just to drive a Pulsar let alone have to do that to it?
  15. Congrats on back to 75 pb
  16. Looking for a guy who skips leg day Should be easy to find - check any gymnasium
  17. I don't drink any water during workouts unless I'm really dry in the throat / hurts to breathe I reckon it fks with my core strength and puts my body in some relaxation mode if I have more than a sip
  18. What happened after the bullbar jump? I assume you fell off at some point?
  19. Why not drink cordial that has sugar? It's nowhere near the amount that soft drinks have and you can always dilute to add a little flavour to water That being said I love the taste of water so no probs here drinking 3 litres a day or so
  20. None of my family/friends/pets/celebrityracers died today
  21. Two all beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions on a sesame seed bun
  22. Very well looked after If I had the space lol
  23. You can achieve the same with cordial really
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