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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Pointing engines is paintless
  2. Leigh can haz cheezeburger
  3. As much as I dislike pseudoscience, I do this too. Those exact words in fact. Granted, I have said them and missed lifts too, so doesn't always work but prolly adds a degree of intensity to it. And it may not be all that pseudosciency; if you look at psychology principles such as classical conditioning, where hearing a familiar sound or sensation incites a response from the body, you can use it to snap yourself out of any lethargy, to get "in the zone" and ready to lift. Which is why so many lifters, amateur and pro, develop pre lift routines or lengthy setup procedures. As someone once said, the fitness industry is a breeding ground for OCD.
  4. Whether you want a cat or not you got a cat lady brah
  5. I got that bitch a flour filled dessert Bitches love gluten
  6. Dat awks moment when she asks to move in with you and you can't give her an answer that won't offend the shit out of her
  7. Here I was thinking my stop watch was sufficient for keeping me on pace Where do I sign / spend
  8. My vegetarian girlfriend cooks meat-based meals erry night umad Leigh?
  9. There's always room for dessert, Hamish
  10. For most part I think people find scapegoats in the form of gluten and fructose for feeling crap. Lifestyle is usually void of exercise, sleep or a well rounded diet.
  11. Should do burnouts in a scrap heap so they do you a favour
  12. lol car crushing always makes me laugh because of the irrational, emotional knee jerk solution it is Equivalent of an adult stomping on a kid's toy because they aren't behaving, only the toy is worth money and could be sold instead
  13. Must...stay...in...VTEC...powerband...
  14. What is paying for parking and big fuel bills? /urbanworklife #redlinesecondtoandfromwork
  15. Troy is a PT now?
  16. When I was in the cook game I used to cut garlic like so
  17. Dat 56kg bench pb
  18. I disagree with your aperitif by my own personal preference but otherwise
  19. I play it by ear, I have a couple of minor/old injuries to look after, so when they start flaring up a little I call it quits regardless just to play it safe. Otherwise, here's an example of bench press: 60kg x 10 80kg x 10 100kg x 9 125kg x 1 117.5kg x 2 105kg x 6 100kg x 7 60kg x ~25
  20. Yeah but those people usually scoff at the thought of a dessert wine or a moscato Pretty funny even cellar door people have bagged them out when they are selling the fkin stuff
  21. This is what I explain to people when they turn their nose up at white wine and tell me when you're more "experienced" you'll have an appreciation for red over white No mofo, you just lost your sweet tooth
  22. I cracked open a 6 year old bottle of chartreuse 110 the other day Surprisingly smoother than I remember it...either my tastebuds and throat have changed or that drink got smoother with time, which it really shouldn't given the content
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