Have been using this routine for the last few months - only requires you to be in the gym 3 times a week for ~45 minutes.
I've decided the best way to deal with OCD gyming and an odd number of days in the week is to stop thinking in terms of 7 days and instead use two weeks for an even 14 days. I can't stand seeing week long routines that have a strong bias towards any muscle groups, repeating some exercises but not others and never alternating this.
Week 1
Monday - squats, pullups
Wednesday - deads, bench
Friday - squats, pullups
Week 2
Monday - deads, bench
Wednesday - squats, pullups
Friday - deads, bench
It feels incredibly balanced and because there are only two exercises in each workout, there is zero overlap. It also feels very good for recovery, both muscle repair and recovery from minor injury, without leaving your muscles too dormant / out of use.
Have never been stronger and (imo) better looking. I did enjoy my slim/athletic 80kg with heaps of definition, but after much bugging from the gf to put on weight, I went on a bit of a bulk with this routine and am now sitting around 88kg. There is still a decent amount of definition (see below), so it's likely a good deal of the weight gain was muscle. The downside of the gain is that, despite being a lot stronger, my power to weight ratio has suffered - I'd need to be benching 132kg for a 1.5 x bw bench again. Bench single is currently 125kg after some volume.