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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Seriously they have like 5 versions of chartreuse including the elixir form not meant to be drunk lol Fkn Balthazar size Moet and Billecart
  2. Any connoisseur of the rare and exotic needs to visit Nick's wine merchants in Doncaster if you haven't already In fact everyone should visit regardless, and even if you've already been there
  3. lol had an argument with a (Chinese!) colleague about clarity the other day...he maintained it was worthwhile cause if his wife is in a room with other women they'll be comparing diamonds and next to another diamond they'll see the difference in clarity...I said you need to find another woman
  4. Thanks Ric...should have you round for a drink nohomo...did you notice the Versace decanter? IMO trick is to buy grog too expensive to drink on the daily (am aware I have baileys and midori in there; it's a rule of thumb jack ass). And replace what you do take when you take it. I've started war on my dessert wines though; hard to resist the sweet allure after a filling meat meal like a big steak.
  5. Almost bought a chocolate borderline champagne diamond at a charity auction; they got tired of no one bidding on it so halved the reserve price...still no bids. Cheaper than anything I saw on the internet.
  6. True
  7. Clarity is a waste of fkn time /diamonds
  8. subtle
  9. I try to increase 1RM where possible and also increase the weight I do for volume sets where possible - these two seesaw off of each other and an increase in one usually sees an increase in the other.If I can't increase either, I do an extra couple of volume sets or a set of max reps at a low to moderate weight until absolute failure. I also add more food to my diet that night, as I recognise that no increase in strength = probably not eating enough. The above definition suggests I could easily be eating more than I am, because it's far from a bulking look, but as long as I'm getting gains I don't feel the need to overdo the eating. Just being a little bit in calorie surplus is responsible for the 7-8kg I've put on so far, so If I can get gains and maintain this definition then I'm having my cake and eating it too (literally!). I also feel much healthier at this level of body fat. Hovering around 9-10% at 80kg, I comparatively didn't have as much energy and got sick easily.
  10. A well hidden winery in Yarra Valley is the last place I expected to run into Simon on the weekend Then again
  11. This is one reason people choose to do their racing on the street
  12. On the side, it's so damn convenient only working out 3 times a week for 45 mins...I see skinny kids at my gym spending half an hour just on curls and pity this, mostly because I used to do it too. I would spend 4-5 days in the gym for an hour and a half each time, doing about 7 exercises a session - such a waste of time.
  13. Have been using this routine for the last few months - only requires you to be in the gym 3 times a week for ~45 minutes. I've decided the best way to deal with OCD gyming and an odd number of days in the week is to stop thinking in terms of 7 days and instead use two weeks for an even 14 days. I can't stand seeing week long routines that have a strong bias towards any muscle groups, repeating some exercises but not others and never alternating this. Therefore: Week 1 Monday - squats, pullups Wednesday - deads, bench Friday - squats, pullups Week 2 Monday - deads, bench Wednesday - squats, pullups Friday - deads, bench It feels incredibly balanced and because there are only two exercises in each workout, there is zero overlap. It also feels very good for recovery, both muscle repair and recovery from minor injury, without leaving your muscles too dormant / out of use. Have never been stronger and (imo) better looking. I did enjoy my slim/athletic 80kg with heaps of definition, but after much bugging from the gf to put on weight, I went on a bit of a bulk with this routine and am now sitting around 88kg. There is still a decent amount of definition (see below), so it's likely a good deal of the weight gain was muscle. The downside of the gain is that, despite being a lot stronger, my power to weight ratio has suffered - I'd need to be benching 132kg for a 1.5 x bw bench again. Bench single is currently 125kg after some volume.
  14. Someone buy it so that I can live the bargain vicariously through someone I live near
  15. To be fair you were a faggot for thinking about a WRX
  16. Farkin good condition for the money http://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/446361-syd-1991-mitsubishi-gto-twin-turbo/
  17. I don't wonder why people don't like Honda owners
  18. FWIW she doesn't want your 4 inches of anything...
  19. That sounds oddly more like an insult than an offer to tender lol
  20. I've seen the way you drive, you got a heavy foot
  21. No need to apologise, Apu, it was as much my fault as it was yours I...accept...your...apology
  22. Are you really the NAB business credit analyst? Really? You?
  23. A good character but old school's screen time puts it ahead of Zoolander for me...not that I found much of that movie funny. Was a bit like Anchorman in that people quoted the shit out of it until you found it funny. That was good though^
  24. This movie gets a lot of plays from me Probably his funniest
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