Realistically it takes a few minutes to get a spanner, reach under car and locate it to remove a plug and then have the oil piss all over it / bolt potentially fall in the pan, then replace the washer and clean the thread before putting it back in. I chuck a pan under the car and flick a switch. Mess free oil change anywhere anytime. It's handy for cleanly draining oil overfills too.
As a fastener it's no different to a sump plug so can't think ripple strips would hurt it any more than a sump plug. For that matter I doubt ripple strips would be any worse than some of the corrugated gravel roads I've driven on either. It's fun having a quick, hail-damaged daily driver and not caring too much what you drive it on.
Anyway, I don't really need to sell it on its merits, but I do think they are worth having if you do regular oil changes; might be one of those have to try it things.