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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Unless they just gave every sample of anything within 2% of their own protein content just to protect their claims lol Send em a bag of flour
  2. I'll take it for Leesh's car if it's the same thread
  3. I didn't know pizza places made turbochargers
  4. Is this a red top or black top?
  5. That 50 x 30 was a tyrannosauric effort and the best squatting I've seen from Leesh; all nice and deep squats using the elasticity of the ass the ground squat to keep momentum and an explosive action. Somewhere between the missed 1RM and the 60kg sets we had a pep talk that really flicked on the intensity switch and proved once again how much of a part attitude and mentality play in this stuff. Very happy with the efforts tonight after a dismal start.
  6. Realistically it takes a few minutes to get a spanner, reach under car and locate it to remove a plug and then have the oil piss all over it / bolt potentially fall in the pan, then replace the washer and clean the thread before putting it back in. I chuck a pan under the car and flick a switch. Mess free oil change anywhere anytime. It's handy for cleanly draining oil overfills too. As a fastener it's no different to a sump plug so can't think ripple strips would hurt it any more than a sump plug. For that matter I doubt ripple strips would be any worse than some of the corrugated gravel roads I've driven on either. It's fun having a quick, hail-damaged daily driver and not caring too much what you drive it on. Anyway, I don't really need to sell it on its merits, but I do think they are worth having if you do regular oil changes; might be one of those have to try it things.
  7. <3 my fumoto drain valve, still going strong after 5 years Don't like your neighbour? Piss on his lawn with oil
  8. I'm not saying have a diet of solely milk I'm talking about the excess you try to supplement with protein shakes...you can easily get it from milk without adverse affects unless you have a medical condition preventing it. Plenty of people have done this and continue to do it; it's probably the best thing for a skinny person to do because they need the fat too. Calorie surplus is still better for gaining muscle than maintenance or deficit, even if the surplus is too much.
  9. That's my point, excess calories are excess calories. You can get all the protein you need from milk without getting fat, it's a fairly balanced food in terms of protein/fat ratio. It need not be 3 litres either. My point is if Mitch was getting skinny fat from that and saw no muscle gains that's more to do with workout progession than the food he's eating or how much of it.Case in point, you can't just live off low/no fat protein shakes.
  10. Dan Murphy's delivery offer for 4 hours only Talisker 25 $349 Is that good single malt fags?
  11. Beat me to it Heard a good one the other day; guy selling one of those self wash car washes...said it would turnover 3k a week and only selling cause he had a bad back
  12. Even worse if he can convince his non-existent, gambling addicted friends to stop buying tickets too
  13. For me, coal mines until he's paid off his debt Non FIFO
  14. What would you do if your kid scratched off the panel of your $250,000 ticket
  15. No I haven't, so your point is more null and void than a scratchie that's had the "void if removed" panel scratched off
  16. Rather surprised she didn't get gangraped throughout that film
  17. Overnight part that shit and enter RaceWars brah
  18. I'm a middle guy...I say both things to both skinny and fat people. Though I used to be skinny then learned how to eat properly despite feeling full and how to not put my hand to my mouth to feed it when I had to lose weight. There's no real food or fake food, as long as you're getting enough protein from anything; if you didn't use the extra calories to fuel progression in the gym then you only have yourself to blame for it ending up on the stomach instead of creating muscle. Markos has said plenty of power lifters don't touch protein shakes, simply drink milk and that's it. Milk is effectively a low % protein shake. Expensive way to do it but plenty of good calories in it.
  19. Try them all and go with who you like, taste or whatever, it really doesn't matter...my point is it's another minor for people to major in...don't forget why you're drinking the stuff in the first place! It's not hard to make protein taste good...to make it taste good and be healthy is hard or expensive.
  20. Lupe Fiasco? Isn't that like some autoimmune disease?
  21. A dad considering schools for his up and coming pupils would say that
  22. The higher profile will make the car go faster than the speedo is reading, so if your speedo currently reads higher than you're actually doing, it will correct this somewhat...but rather negligible as you say.
  23. Maybe he can use the money to buy a new set of testicles then
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