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Everything posted by Birds

  1. It doesn't get much more first world problem than that
  2. Giant Asians terrify me
  3. When you make 204 then you too can cut in line
  4. Pretty normal for E85 to be unresponsive and choke up with a cold engine. Spark plug heat range prolly a factor too. Once started I can use the throttle immediately, but I always roll it on slow...if I stab too quickly idle drops. It also need a bit more revs when cold and letting the clutch out for take off or it will die in the ass. After a couple mins of driving or idling it runs fine and dandy with dat super response, but I've learnt how to drive it so that I can start it and start driving basically straight away. As for actually starting, that depends how pure the E85 is in the tank. While there's still some petrol in there, starts will be easy. With pure E85 and on cold mornings mine can take 2-3 cranks to turn over. Helps to add a minuscule amount of throttle as I turn the key. Warmer weather and it's first crank good to go.
  5. Stop twisting my words female I said when you were capable of doing 10 pullups...and I mean proper full range of motion pullups...that you would have enough abdominal muscle for a six pack. That doesn't mean you don't have to do the cutting to make it visible. You are your own harshest critic and also throwing out a lot of ignorance here. I think that if people saw your physique and read what you wrote here they would think you're being a tad unrealistic. Some facts: you're eating literally twice as much as when you say you were more "defined". You're significantly stronger having increased weights by about 50-60%; you have more muscle now, despite training for less than 1/3 the amount of time/sessions that you used to. You've been plagued by injuries over the last couple years that we've had to rehab around. I think you need to add some perspective here before looking to your goals and saying "I give up" or "that didn't work" when you've actually only done half the work to get there.
  6. Also, just realised that you've obviously only just got it tuned...how's it driving? Total E85 fanboi?
  7. Ah yeah. Mine is an HG SS1PU, which from memory has a slightly larger rear than the OP6 highflow...but I made him match it up to a bored out standard Nissan comp housing up front for dat dere stealth (that could also be choking me out up top). Using his preferred comp cover Stao made 290+ with an SS1PU on his car...albeit Trent's dyno. Intake and cooler piping is standard with a return flow, so they do sound very similar setup-wise. Could also be that your turbo is simply a newer / more efficient model or a difference in engine health. Pretty damn good turbos I must say, I've had mine on for at least 50,000 now and running flawlessly.
  8. Yeah that's weird...shouldn't that produce more power at the same RPM / speed though?Though that assumes runs done in the same gear and diffs. I don't know how dyno dynamics calculates engine torque...obviously some sort of correction for it; maybe it's open to variability.
  9. Also remember a red N14 SSS that was reasonably quick on those meets
  10. Interesting...what turbo? Ex gate? Return cooler or straight piping? I'm on 15-16psi Guessing from your slightly better response my turbo is actually slightly bigger (unless you've done more than bolt ons), however my turbo gets a bit choked up top from my cooling and exhaust setup.
  11. Ahhh yeah I went to a couple of PGA meets including the dyno day that was likely taken from...silver yeah? There was a blue one that was pretty quick too. All the Pulsar guys seemed to love their castor adjustable coilovers.
  12. Sad that I know of the Pulsar that made that^
  13. okay.jpg How much boost you running Simon?
  15. Don't join the army or you'll come back with that civs vs servicemen superiority complex and a bunch of "I've seen some things man, seen some stuff, I wouldn't recommend it" stories
  16. Asylum seekers wouldnotgrant/10
  17. What disappoints me most is the franchises mobs at those places...see a nandos stand and think of it as your salvation...receive a very far removed example of nandos chicken on return. Leave humbled after talking up to friends about how good it is that nandos is there.
  18. Here's a thought about the Bali crew The money and effort being spent on their repeal could have saved hundreds of actually innocent lives in an impoverished third world country...meanwhile the real atrocity and focus of bleeding hearts is that a couple of drug dealers who didn't give a shit who they indirectly killed might get killed themselves.
  19. The choice is obvious really for indigenous peoples
  20. The UDHR means very little these days considering what is going on around the world and countries having their own set of laws - China could give less of a shit about it. I think if it really mattered to us over and above us just looking out for our own citizens with special treatment, we should be pushing for Indonesia to change their laws not just to make exceptions. I agree with your sentiment about the death penalty and do not support it either, but I simply say that that's the risk of entering a country the laws of which you don't agree with. That's the collateral of traveling overseas unfortunately. I'm all for free market - if tourism drops off because nobody wants to go there, they might consider changing it.
  21. Bit of a difference between helping journalists and helping drug dealers, don't you think? Regardless, I stand by my statement - if you're concerned that your actions overseas might land you in the shit, don't go there. There's nothing wrong with staying in the safety of Australia where you're familiar with the laws and authorities aren't as corrupt. Otherwise, do your homework on the laws and take your gamble. 9/10 times these people who get caught up in situations weren't doing everyday things or tourism, they are dealing drugs or trying to fk with politics and wars in other countries. People go around the world thinking they can get away with murder because they are westerners and because our own laws are softer on issues that other countries aren't. Also, why do foreigners in a country get special rights/treatment over and above the country's own citizens (how many appeals have we made historically for local Indonesians not to face the death penalty, if we really oppose it that much?) If a Dutch person got done for weed here there's no way they'd get special treatment because it's legal back home. We expect foreigners here to abide by our laws or face our penalties.
  22. Proportionate to the number of people claiming that income tax is the f**kin government stealing their hard earned money and they get nothing for it
  23. Why do western countries find it so hard to comprehend that not every country has the same set of morals/traditions/laws as us? We have to shove our way down there throats? Indonesia is guilty of doing that too in similar situations. That model got slammed by people on her twitter account for essentially stating she didn't support the death penalty but that laws in other countries are laws and need to be accepted. If you don't like it don't go there fark...who forced you to get on a plane there with drugs? You took a risk that didn't pay off. Can the government give me my life savings back from gambling on roulette because I expected to profit from all the poor saps who regularly lose their money and now my life is fked because I lost the gamble?
  24. I'll think of a few labor ones just to make it a democratic joke Rudd would apologise profusely to the token aboriginal student (actually an Indian kid) on behalf of the rest of the class, hoping they'll put up some sort of Rudd plaque in their newly constructed billion dollar hall Peter Garrett would inadvertently burn the school down and blame it on the kids (how do we sleep while our beds are burning?) Gillard would take the lunch money from the kids who actually brought money to school and tell them their parents can obviously afford it Chris Bowen would ask a kid for help with his Maths homework
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