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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Typical autistic future labor voter
  2. Move somewhere else Huy Like Patrick's next prospect
  3. Forced to pirate a game feelsbadman
  4. Sounds like you've landed somewhere between a rock and a hard place
  5. Mined your own business Hamish
  6. Ms Rinehart's dietary habits may well be the cause of her iron deficiency
  7. Head off is definitive proof it's a forged build yo
  8. ThisHere are some cliffs so we can just skip it Hamish quote's Alex's post, reminding him that his beloved Liberals killed the NBN and that he should blow Tony Abbott; Ric comes in with a clever jibe lined with anti ALP sentiment but hardly anyone gets the reference; Hamish pretends to be non-partisan and no one believes him for a second; Al attacks the lazy working class and anyone who doesn't pay a lot of tax including puppies with cancer; Dezz calls Abbott a cocksucker, then somehow gets a payrise for blocking roads in the city
  9. inb4 a hundred comments about the laptop not being fine in spite of the internet
  10. Nahhhhh
  11. As many years as it takes Some do it in a year, others take 10... Though you have plenty of muscle at the moment for a chick...I'd post pics to prove but yeah...
  12. Eating lots to gain strength/muscle (as you've been doing) and cutting to reveal muscle are two different and competing goals...you have a thicker abdominal wall now than you've ever had, you just can't see it as easily as you used to because bulk (and you're still not even that "bulky"). When you've built enough muscle you can cut and see what you've created Strong + diet = physique Leesh is the worst to obtain an opinion about herself lol...it will always be a bit distorted!
  13. My bad I'm thinking of the S14 6 bolt
  14. One thing I like about the LMs is you don't need to muck around with offset and a wide wheel for them to look decent
  15. They'd be cheaper without the POS federals but seller too lazy to separate, evidenced by his inability to pick up a dish cloth
  16. Your question wasn't clear enough...got my dick caught in the ceiling fan
  17. BBS LM 17" I like them but wouldn't mind 18s and LMGT4s are the closest thing Japan has to D1Rs Satin black on gloss black car could work well; also agree with Simon, clean the farkin wheels
  18. Dare I put these on the R? http://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/454602-nismo-lmgt4-18x9512-with-near-new-federal-595-2553518/#entry7493879
  19. I need a lip so if you find a seller who wants to sell the whole thing, I'll buy the lip off you
  20. Can't you just whack GTR flanges in it?
  21. Chinese really doing a number on you Pat
  22. Basketball - lots of sprints without realising you're doing it. Highly recommend.
  23. Dunno about that, but they can't force someone to work on a public holiday I thought organisations did it because it was hard to get casuals to work on them with normal rates
  24. Heard about this on Q and A lastnight...which was a disgusting feminist fest by the way...featuring an all female panel to make a point about female CEOs. Could have played a drinking game with the irrational contradictions that flowed through. Some of these idiots actually believe that females have a glass ceiling in industries where more managers are men...but in industries where there are more females in management, that's just because it's a "female dominant industry". I wanted to shove Lego bricks down their throats.Anyway, I went off on a bit of a tangent there. Lucky you, Hamish.
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