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Everything posted by Birds

  1. I don't like it much either But Mr Whippy double cone choc dips are alright
  2. That doesn't have much to do with the media and more to do with money and power...if anything the media is less likely to allow them to get off. They get scrutinized more than the average person walking down the street.
  3. If they can go to jail for it then send em to jail if the crime warrants it...not playing football is the least of their worries when it comes to serious crimes. If it's taking a piss on the side of the street or cheating on someone or a racial slur, none of this impacts their ability to do their job. They signed up for football, not a nunship.
  4. And ate 6000 that night
  5. Ric rolled
  6. I'd like to extend this to athletes, television personalities, politicians and pretty much anyone who does anything outside of their place of business that gets used to judge their suitability for a role...when most of the time what they did has zero impact on it and the media are to blame for blowing anything out of proportion.Worst are football players swearing on the field or doing silly things and the media making front page news of it saying it's a disgrace and the public shoukdnt be exposed to this kind of behaviour, which is why we're exposing it as much as possible DERP That whole fking Adam Goodes gorilla thing, and the flamin mongrel gets Aussie of the year because of the media and nothing else
  7. I feel like this should be posted
  8. But at least you'd have your sanity
  9. Second thoughts, take the gift card to a remaining Sanity and the owner will prolly trade you the store for it
  10. Most intense driver ever
  11. Willing to bet that if you redeemed the gift card you would put the last remaining stores out of business
  12. I'm guessing someone knew you wouldn't use a gift card, hence gave you an old gift voucher for a defunct hipster record store. Lucky the receiver wasn't Hamish, else the fraud would have been promptly revealed. Lucky the giver wasn't Ric, as under a couch is not the place for an expensive ornamental vase. Lucky you're not Dezz, else redemption of said gift card would net you only half the face value anyway.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKTh7zBIcrM
  14. I don't mind some Maroon 5 songs I think Adam Levine would rake in obscene amounts of vagina too
  15. Nope A maroon 35 Which actually looks surprisingly good
  16. The only thing worse than a maroon 33 and maroon 5 would be a maroon 35
  17. Maroon 33 sounds like some douchebag mid 30s cover band
  18. I've had something similar myself; it seems whenever my squat is going well or I'm making PBs, the deadlift is at a standstill or slightly back, and vice versa. Sometimes I put that down to tiredness / session overlap. They do use much the same muscles, so not uncommon for one to impact the other.
  19. There's a million ways to do a deadlift, but the heart of the movement is that it's predominantly a back exercise and keeping that in mind will definitely help to lift stronger. Some people start the a deadlift in the squat position and turn it into more of a squat movement, reducing leverage and efficiency when the weight is sitting in front of the body rather than above it. To raise the hips and keep the back straight requires a degree of hamstring flexibility, so I think people guilty of turning it into a squat either lack this or try to protect their back by making it a squat (following the old/flawed "don't lift with your back" adage). Some people tend to complicate the movement by turning what is actually a simple, automatic motion into too many steps...and overthink it...causing their body not to work in one fluid motion. When I've taught people deadlifts (including my 60 year old mother), the golden rule I've told them to focus on is keeping the shoulders back and stick the chest out - this simple process forces the rest of the body into a favorable position for efficient lifting that they don't even know they are in. I do keep an eye on the hips to make sure they aren't sitting too low and making it a squat, but everyone is different here with how their body is setup to lift.
  20. We should conduct a poll on the remaining ones
  21. All I'm saying is you would have had 225, prolly even 227.5; a new PB plus taught your body to lift that much weight. Not saying you were wrong to try a 10kg step up...go for your life...everyone has failed a 1RM this way before and you almost had that lift - it was just a suggestion for your next 1RM attempt, that you try a smaller increment. It's an easier physical and mental battle. Bank the weight away throigu a full range of motion and be happy with an increase/progression - it's amazing how much stronger the body can grow with even a 2.5kg jump in the 1RM. It can easily add a couple of reps to heavy volume sets during your next session, which in turn help your 1RM. Regardless, you will one day get to a point where to realistically progress in the 1RM, all you can do is add 2.5kg to it. As we all agree, lifting weight is not linear, so one day it will plateau and you will need to resort to this kind of increment anyway. I'm actuallly surprised you lost the lift at the point you did - very close to lockout and thought you were there. If I can get a deadlift that high I can usually lock it out. My sticking point is just above the knees where I struggle with a 1RM. I need to hit the rack pulls.
  22. If you make the 225 you end up stronger from succeeding with the lift. Getting stronger happens with progression and a failed lift isn't progression; an increase in amount of weight lifted is. Case in point: his PB is still 220. My point is that a 10kg leap is unnecessarily large when shooting for a new pb at the kind of weight he's doing, hence recommendation to give a 5kg or even 2.5kg increase a go and bank some more weight. Then the leap from that to 230 isn't so big. In a competition, is ironically where you would put up a number that you don't know if you can get or not...on the 3rd lift.
  23. An increase of 2.5kg to a 220kg deadlift is a bit over 1%...maybe not enough for your muscles to notice it (I bet they will) or be a bragging point to someone else, but that's the point...you do this minuscule increase another 3 times and in 2 weeks you've cracked 230. Now we know weight lifting isn't linear, so we know you can't just keep on doing this forever (even 2.5kg a week is 120kg across the course of a year); there will come a point where you can lift xxx but can't lift xxx+2.5kg, and then suddenly the 1.25kg plates aren't a pain in the arse to calculate, they're a pain in the arse to lift!!! Bank the 225 or 222.5 and go up from there. 1.25kg plates added 20kg to my deadlift 1RM, as opposed to stepping up even 5kg at a time.
  24. That is the worst logic I've heard for someone trying to get stronger lol
  25. Why not step up 5kg or even 2.5kg instead of a 10kg increase over pb?
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