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Everything posted by Birds

  1. If you can't scrape together $7 for your health then you have issues beyond your health that need more urgent attention than your health. If you saved the $900 from that stimulus package, there's 128 doctor visits in that, but I'm tipping the kind of person who can't afford $7 isn't very good at saving. All for helping out people in unfortunate situations with welfare but my unfortunate situation definition doesn't cover alcoholics, chain smokers, druggies and people who have 7 kids. Drop the unnecessary and excessive spending and I'll give you a helping hand to get back on track.
  2. I em Cheppie
  3. lol You guys piss me off I weigh 40kg less and can just hang off the ring
  4. Assumes I'll make it to 64
  5. Bullet to the head at age 65 Driver licence retesting every 5 years IQ test to vote, must be above 100 Autocracy 2 children max, if you have a third then you get forcibly sterilized Means tested welfare Heavy tariffs on imported goods Pay proportionate to work done Close the floodgates to foreign investors buying their residency here Boatload of people turn up, do not pass go, go directly into the army reserves Multi-million dollar sporting events closed, money redirected to education and health All problems solved
  6. You're blaming DJ x van x? That's probably quite accurate
  7. Pretty sure students do pay interest on hecs/help loans; well they index it against inflation, that's for sure.
  8. Dezz and Tony can lend us some money Ric can give em fashion tips
  9. Shirley he can't be serious...people train for years just to be able to prepare that fish
  10. I liked Hamish better when he wasn't all banky You used to be about the music Literally
  11. Not yet, but if I can be arsed forking out for the crank it will be
  12. I have them on the R, lol, well Chris reckons from this photo that they are the early ones
  13. Chilli and lime
  14. If what Chris has planned for me goes ahead, mine's not gonna be too far off that...It's pretty well sorted for the money...nothing you'd really need to do to it...and sif it won't go for high 20s anyway
  15. Cars from the 90s fkin rule 16 years or 30 years it'll always be my fav era
  16. Leigh Bit on the pricey side but everything's done for ya http://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/453579-1995-r33-gtr-vspec/#entry7474454 If you consider it's 10k cheaper than the cheapest security guard, it's kind of good value
  17. Guess now his cars have been sold we'll be seeing less of Shan around here
  18. All hail pharaoh monica
  19. As above, fk flex fuel I commit to one or the other. I'm not afraid of commitment. Feel my shirt...you know what material it's made from? Boyfriend material.
  20. Type B poncams? Why not type A+
  21. Why are you getting owned for pace and agility? Is this because you're tired from gym or is just because you don't have the pace/agility that others do? If the latter, then heavy squats and explosive movements will fix that. If the former, gym will definitely tax your agility and dexterity with tired muscles.
  22. As for how gym helps my sport in the long run: the more weight I can squat, the higher I can jump in basketball and the quicker I can sprint and for longer and more frequently. The cardio I get from doing volume squats and deadlifts and pullups also gives me the endurance to outlast my team mates on the court and move around faster than them for longer. Except for a couple of our SEABL/rep players, I'm the only one who doesn't voluntarily call for a sub off due to being tired/wrecked. I come up against players with 20kg on me in rebound contests and they get pushed out of the way because they don't have the leg strength to stay grounded. I only play once a week and there's no training, so all my strength and endurance in the game has to come from my gym work. One of our guys is 125kg (fat), 6'3 and can dunk...that's because he can squat 200kg+ (and has been playing ball/jumping all his life). I saw a 5'7 guy on YouTube who can dunk because he ass to ground squats 180kg for 5 reps. Bench press gives me a more powerful/explosive push - this makes shooting baskets from distance easier because you don't need to involve the lower body as much to create a nice high arc to the net (see vid below). Combine that with a high leap and you'd have an unstoppable jump shot.
  23. It's a complex subject and it really depends on your intensity during either one. Gym work helps my sport in the long term by increasing strength and endurance. If I gym on the same day as sport and I'm absolutely wrecked then obviously it doesn't help the sport in the short term, but sometimes that's unavoidable. Conversely, sport hinders my gym sometimes because my legs don't necessarily get the recovery they need for more leg exercise the following day. Or I can injure myself and then I may not be able to do lifting movements properly. Or if my gym intensity is low due to shit cardio then added cardio from sport can help raise that intensity. It's a tough thing to juggle around and you really have to pick which one you're going to be dedicated to (sport vs gym) if you're serious about either one, then make the other one second to it. You can do sport on days you don't gym, but then sport exercise is eating into your gym recovery days; you can do gym on the same day as sport so that you have your recovery days, but then your performance during the sport won't be as good as if you were fresh.
  24. There's still gains to be made from advancing the timing and taking advantage of 107 octane. Boost will also come on sooner. But I think if you're spending that much on upgrades you should at the least get an $800 high flow and get another 60-70rwkw out of it while you're there, sacrifice a bit of response given the factory turbo is responsive and linear enough let alone with E85.
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