Yes well, if they lock up that fellow, it costs the state money. If they pull over one of us, they make money. Yet people want to vote in the political party with the least tax/cost on things and want to drive on roads constructed from thin air. Topsy turvy world we live in.
Police are useless for domestic shit btw. Last time I called them for one of those they arrived 40 minutes late and I told the unit that fights don't wait 40 minutes to start, most fights end within a minute of starting bexause someone stabs someone or someone cops a king hit and then it's all over. Hurry on back to your lunch break, you're no good to me now.
I'm curious, how did that kid actually die? I see article after article stating his father killed him but no mention of what actually happened. Did he bash his head in or stab him with the knife that the cops found him with?
Also don't buy the mother's bullshit about father loving his son more than anyone. Sorry bitch, you don't kill people you love. That ain't love.