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Everything posted by Birds

  1. We all know what happens to complaints made about cops. If you don't have it on camera, good luck. Remember when Pettett had a hatebook page? The police commissioner described him as a model officer with no record of complaint filed against him...to his knowledge. Lost faith in entire force that day.
  2. Thanks fellas. John you should definitely start 1RMing again; they do so much for volume weights and reps! Awesome pulls there Nick. What weight class do you plan to be in for states?
  3. 90kg x 10 130kg x 10 160kg x 5 192.5kg x 1 Was an ugly rep, but I locked out 192.5kg for a new pb. Still 80kg, still 6'3 Have another two reps left in the 160, so I might try adding them next time and see if I can make the 1RM again.
  4. Heard he weighed in at 7 pounds 8 ounces The baby was about 8 pounds too
  5. lol same
  6. P.S. I can only eat that "shit" because I burn the calories for it in the gym. If you don't have the calorie output for it, don't make it your input...or you get fat.
  7. What if I told you I exercise 4 times a week for only 45 minutes a session lol. Squats and pull-ups one day, deadlifts and bench the next. Repeat again later in the week. Pre shoulder injury I used to do ~3 exercises per muscle group, because I believed that I needed them all to retain the body I had built with them; to retain the strength I had acquired. That was 1.5 hours in the gym, 4 times a week. With only half that time in the gym now, I look the same and am stronger - go figure. Sometimes less is more. It ain't "easy", but it sure is simple. People major too much in the minors when it comes to simple goals like this. They go investing their time, money and energy into ridiculous, complex programs and supplementation, not realising that they aren't even doing the basics of body transformation properly. Skinny guys who don't exercise can have a six pack because the visibility of the abdominal wall is entirely diet. The size and shape of it is all exercise. Conversely, fat guys who lift heavy compounds all have big six packs hidden under layers of fat. Your 45 minute, twice-daily core routine is the same shit every day. You give your abs no reason to change from what they are because they are capable of performing it already. Add 5 reps to your pull-ups or 50kg to your deads and suddenly they have a reason to grow...to overcome the added resistance. You're also burning more calories, which means more visibility. Cut out the ab gymnastics and go back to basics. Build the muscle, give it reason to grow and feed it, then burn the calories to put it on display.
  8. I has six pack...my only ab exercise is pull-ups and I eat cheese, bread and pasta every day. Now I know that Troy is mad, but my question to you is, are you mad? I'm not genetically gifted...take it back to the basics. Do a compound exercise that uses abs, eat on a deficit. It's just that simple. Or commit to the ab pro system.
  9. Walking doesn't shred weight. Fat people walk around all day. Good for joint health/mobility and your dog... Running on a treadmill is a wank. Unless you have leg injuries, get out on the road and do sprints or run up hills.
  10. That truly is an epic core workout, but it'll do little to get you a six pack...
  11. What do you mean by "naturally"? Without steroids / he who must not be named?
  12. For everything else, there's the Australian Government MasterCard
  13. It is usually easier/stronger than flat bench, particularly if your flat bench position is a "flat back" style. I'm pretty sure powerlifters / pro-benchers try to mimick the angle of decline on flat bench with their severe back arching (as well as creating leg drive). It not only has less range of motion to travel through, but creates more leverage. Since adopting a position like this, I've overtaken my pre shoulder injury PBs on bench press. I have a friend who ditched flat bench altogether because he likes that decline gives him an extra few reps or 5kg more over flat bench lol
  14. Where at? Do you know which brand?
  15. I remember the first time I did decline bench - couldn't even get the bar up with 60kg on it, and that was when I had a 117.5kg flat bench. Then it wasn't long before my decline overtook my flat. Different movement will change everything!
  16. 6 months ago I was talking to a Treasury Estate rep who said they were trying to push moscato onto the younger crowd. I made the prediction that one day it will make it's way into nightclubs as an on-tap, women's counterpart to the men's cider craze. Canning it is half way there. I wonder if my prediction will come true... I confess to liking moscato and late harvest. If I recall correctly, it was originally pushed as a nightclub/bar drink but never took off. Maybe the timing wasn't right or they didn't have the marketing of today.
  17. Do you regularly do incline? With a barbell or with dumbells? If the movement is new to you, it will take some getting used to. Start with a lighter weight (empty bar?) maybe?
  18. Can't entirely hate VB; the foul taste made Carlton palatable by contrast when I was a teenager.
  19. I might buy 4 of them
  20. Dat northern life Take anything?
  21. Tempted... Those deep fried mozzarella sticks...and deep fried everything else...
  22. Watch the first video I posted a page back, Dan. Bench is more tris and shoulders than chest. It will work the chest, obviously, and the different positions will activate the chest more or less...but if you want to target it in a more involved way, get onto an isolation movement like flies. That being said, most of the chest muscle naturally sits where you refer to as the "lower part", so a lot of people have this issue at some stage and, it's only really an issue because we feel like we are developing "boobs" instead of muscle. It is less obvious on those who have lower body fat %, because, not only does the upper part of the pec insertion have more definition, but the abdomen is slightly sunken (as opposed to flat or a gut), helping the so called "upper chest" to stand out a bit more (more forward of the body) and the "lower chest" to recess a bit (instead of sitting on top of fat). That's my opinion, anyway. It is also less obvious on heavily built chests, because the muscle is then big enough that you start to see the "upper part" as more developed, when really it's just that the whole pec insertion is bigger. But alas, I am one of those who subscribe to the theory that you can't change the shape of the pecs per say, only build it bigger to give the illusion of having done that. There are all kinds of muscles in the upper body that can mess with the appearance of the pecs just by contrast, too: traps, lats, biceps, delts. Even your posture plays a huge part; try standing in front of a mirror, side on, moving your delts back and forth to see how they stretch the muscle in a static state.
  23. Varex saves my ass again with a cop on the Tulla!
  24. Yeah, his "other side" can be a bit out there sometimes... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLKdq-J5NE4&sns=em
  25. I agree mate. Education is probably our biggest IP sell off, what with the number of student visas these days. It's a money maker itself, building student accommodation and immigrants spending their overseas money here...but the end game when the dust settles, is that local students lose out on tertiary education places and, once that student visa is done with, we kick them out of the country anyway = invent or entrepreneur something overseas. Clap clap!
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