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Never had an issue with it. But I've also never fanged my car out of the servo straight after filling up. As long as both your tunes aren't knife edge, I don't see the problem. Tank of 98 will run a tiny bit lean and a tank of E will run a tad rich (sometimes a good thing). I was going to get an E-content sensor, but my tuner said I would be okay if I was sourcing only from United. I also had my E85 tune done with a few litres of 98 left in the tank, so the tune is technically made for it. Hasn't leaned out on me after several tanks of E85. Flex fuel sensor is no doubt easier but I can't justify the ECU change and extra expense for how convenient I find my setup.
PFC is what I have and it is that simple. You just need an FC Hako or datalogit cable to connect to a laptop...but it takes me 1 minute from plugging that in, to up and running on either fuel. Ethanol tune will idle either fuel safely before switching over. For the rare times I need to switch to 98, it works a treat. Can also run FC Co-pilot if you want some funky gauges / danger to manifold shit on your laptop.
Just Cars jacked my premium up $300 and dropped my value by $1000, for no reason at all. Did a new policy online and it gave me the old price, so I signed up again.Also you can call up and just whinge to them and they will sometimes take money off premium just for that. Still wasn't as cheap as signing up for it again was, though.
Nah easy. I just carry a laptop with a 98 tune on it in case I have to stop for 98. It never fusses over a few litres of E85 left in the tank, and vice versa.
I guess it would extend the fun of the game for a few days if you were already bored with it. You'll get sick of buying shit though. The only thing that entertains me in GTAO now is doing buzzard attacks on people with a mate. I'm not ranked enough to buy a tank and cbf doing missions just to bring up rank.
Try doing an online quote for a new policy...often works out cheaper than a renewal notice. Insurance companies are dickbags like that.
The ONLY way to watch x files.
Chickity China, the Chinese chicken... You have a drumstick and your brain stops tickin'...
That's why I'm on E I have 3 stations within 10km of me...spoilt
Definitely wrong and a lying scumbag, but how stupid are the idiots buying fake seats for a couple hundred and thinking that they actually would have ADR approval...
Black bears ate my bicycle And I want to ride my bicycle
That 34 sounds amazing lol Free bump
So yeah, that was good to get another all clear from a professional. Though in some ways I want nothing more than a professional to look at my scans or shoulder and say "there's your problem" / know exactly what is up. Looks like I just have to keep everything up until something is actually obviously wrong, cause people just keep turning me away lol This latest dude was very good at explaining how joints work though, which gave me lots of confidence in his opinion, unlike the others (even if they all shared much the same opinion). Following this, I'm now at a 112.5kg bench - only 5kg off my old pb pre-injury - so any luck I will see a new pb soon and this shoulder shit can be nothing more than...a slight pain in the bum (shoulder). Hah, and I thought you were Tom Clancy, Dan...
How's all your shit going, Dan? I decided to visit a well recommended osteopath/physio, to get an all over body check and a fourth professional opinion on my shoulder issues. This guy was probably the most knowledgeable sounding of the professionals I had seen (including my GP, my physio, and a well regarded orthopedic surgeon). Whilst his opinion largely sat in line with a lot of what the previous guys had said, he was by far the best at explaining it all to me. It was also good to get another opinion on the matter, as you can never have too many people tell you that you're safe to keep training. His opinion was as follows: I have good mobility all round. Good posture and spinal curve. He sees no reason for me to have regular treatment from anyone, even a masseuse. This is, however, atypical of the osteopathic belief system that the body can heal itself of many ailments on its own and shouldn't depend on regular treatment from others unless significant injury or pain. I told him about my clicky joints, e.g. hips, knees, shoulders etc. He said "It's completely normal, as long as there is no pain, some people are just built like this and it often comes with age and general wear and tear". Clicky-joint-syndrome, for lack of a better term. He explained a lot of them as tendons simply hopping over bone, which isn't an issue, provided that there is no pain from it. As for the shoulder, he believes that to be a subluxation (slight and regular dislocation of a joint) of the rotator cuff. He says there's nothing I can do about it, besides strengthening the supporting muscles and taking care with my technique; that I should just live with the muscle inflammation I get from it and dose up on nurofen/ice when it gets bad. We can't do surgery, cause we can't pinpoint where the issue is and it's not enough of an issue to warrant it, as he is satisfied with my shoulder mobility and strength. He didn't see the need for regular ultrasounds to monitor the area either (though I may still do this every few months). An interesting opinion he had on lack of flexibility (in fingers, for example), was that it can be a good thing for what I'm doing (weight training). He said it gives the body a degree of firmness and rigidity that actually protects it from injury. Anyone agree/disagree with this? I hadn't thought of it before and always thought "more ROM/mobility the better", but with the way he explained it, it kind of made sense not to be overly flexible.
112.5kg bench; was fairly easy; another 7.5kg to go for a pb. So hard to resist being sensible with my shoulder issues.
Legs too big for a fly. I know my flies and I know my Magnums. That there's a spider.
You never really notice how much people say god until there's a rajab filter on your forum. Must be so common we god normally just skip over it.
My childhood in the summer, Ham...it's long gone :'(
It ain't all good, and that's the truth... Thangs ain't goin like you think they should...
I tried it again lastnight with sets of 90kg. Back hates me today. Did better in squats lastnight than normally, so I'd say the huge set of 60kg helped somewhat.
Because people like to inflict the cars they desire onto other people. /jaded
Nothing gets people on a car forum talking like "I have x to spend on a car, what do". Patiently awaiting the inevitable left field decision to go with something not mentioned by anyone.
So many digits lol No wonder billionaires in real life only want more money...it's all they can aim for. Once you can afford anything, everything loses value and appeal. Life lessons from hackers...