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Do you feel better now? Now? Now?
Show some respect son; thing is a still born beeeeeast. Likely a mockup, colour, as the few that they made of these cars (possibly even only 2 from memory) are safely locked away, museum style, hardly being driven. A couple of companies offered to make replicas; it wouldn't be too difficult given many were already offering to slot a 7 litre into Commodores/Monaros.
loling so hard right now
Subjective competitions suck a big one
Been a while since I updated these Now doing 18 13 10 10 15 (after 10 minutes rest; damn bicep pump) So close to the magic 20
Also lol'd at "took everything from me" line played over sitting in a Veyron. Guy must have had a pretty good life before they took all his shit and left him with one of the most expensive and exclusive cars in the world. Poor editing
LOL I think you need to...master...your anger issues, son.
What made Martin switch to sumo?
But nick, if they are so cruel to cats then why do like dogs, then grow up around all animals because they are liked
I can't fit 275s without some serious bubble; I only have 9 inch wheels and they come out quite wide to the guards already
Struggling to believe that dog story; it really isn't told very well if it's true. Car hit the dog and then the father, then the dog had time enough to get up and push the son out of the way of the car wtf? How fast was it going, 2km/h?
A mate of mine likes to do sumo; has recommended it often to me. He says it feels more autonomous to him; he doesn't have to think about his technique as much to do the lift correctly/safely. Still doesn't lift as much as me though
The converted know!!! Yup that is the plan, however I don't think I'll do it justice with strip numbers. I have 265 Toyo R1Rs on the rear and, whilst a great tyre in the corners, they struggle off the line; 1st is practically useless; I'd have to baby it, so there goes my launch. 2nd can hold with a good grippy section of road, but we'll try anyway! Lucky most of my racing happens in rolling drags at higher gears
It's interesting you say that, because previously we drew comparison between the SS1PU and the HKS GT-RS in terms of power and response. So it doesn't surprise me that your ethanol results should be similar. Props to Stao for making something that can hang with top shelf Jap engineering! The more I drive it, the more I love it. It just has oodles of power everywhere and I never feel like I'm in the wrong gear. The ethanol not only reduces the amount of time spent off boost, but makes off boost a quicker accelerating range to be in, adding to drivability. Looking at the torque graph probably tells this story better. Loving decat sound; how I missed the rasp and deeper note. Took a bit to get the car started today...now know that feel bro re: winter starts for E85. Interestingly though, once warmed up the car starts quicker than unleaded did. Look forward to reporting on economy or lack thereof come fill up time.
inb4 talks about club history and his long association with anything WA
Apparently hoons can't / don't get CAMS licences...
Also, just a refresher: I believe this injury developed from going too hard too soon on the heavy bag when I took up boxing, as prior to doing this I have never had a shoulder injury in the 10 years I had been exercising. I was putting all my weight behind my right crosses and practising hooks with little in the way of tuition. Combine this with my routine of working shoulders heavily 4 times a week, and it's no surprise I developed a clicking in the right shoulder that didn't get worse but also didn't get better. Then one day a warm up on incline press gave me a nasty pop followed by severe inflammation of the supraspinatus. I slowly regained mobility in the shoulder over a few weeks, however I retained some slight chronic pain in the shoulder that would be worsened with upper body movements at the gym, particularly shoulder exercises. Many physio visits, specialist consultations and finally cortisone...and here we are. Moral of the story kids: take care of your farking shoulders. They are weak joints with strong muscles so they really need all the support and proper training you can give them. Don't skimp on supporting muscle exercises and for God's sake, if something seems out of place or hurts a little bit, don't exercise on it!!!
So an update on my shoulder shit! I consulted an orthopaedic surgeon about my shoulder issues, who had me get another ultrasound and saw nothing out of the ordinary (I really wish someone would just spot something immediately obvious about my shoulder so we knew exactly where it was coming from!) besides some slightly inflamed tissue beneath the acromioclavicular joint. Rotator cuff looked healthy and my external / internal rotation is fine. I asked him if he thought we should do an MRI. His answer was that an MRI can be a bit like casting a net out into the ocean: it will show a bunch of potential irregularities that may not be the source of the issue and therefore of little use in this particular case. His suggestion, based on his/my/physio's opinion that the acromioclavicular joint could be the source of the pain/inflammation, was an ultrasound guided cortisone injection to be used A. as a diagnostic tool and B. as a potential fix. The theory goes, that if we can locate the source of pain by stopping inflammation, then we at least have a narrowed down place to look for surgical options...unless the cortisone itself fixes the issue altogether. If you haven't had a cortisone injection before, it's a rather weird experience. Long needle goes into shoulder, they wiggle it around inside you until they find the sweet spot, then inject a shitload of liquid into a space that doesn't exist, feeling like they're blowing a balloon up inside you. No real pain, just a lot of pressure. Though I'd just had a wisdom tooth out and that gave pain a new meaning, so perhaps comparably it was nothing. Straight after injection I go back upstairs to the surgeon, who tests my shoulder mobility and strength. Got told to give the cortisone a couple of days to do it's thing and then try exercises that would normally inflame the shoulder; obviously nothing horribly strenuous, but enough to activate the joints and muscles for what would normally cause inflammation. So I gave bench press a go and, that night, no real pain or inflammation. The next day also went quite well. Cortisone is obviously doing it's job of staving off inflammation, but I guess my concern now is if the drug is masking the underlying issue at hand that would otherwise be inflaming tissue...given it is the body's natural response to injury. I worry that I may develop bone spurs or something because I have no real telltale, besides regular ultrasound and tests for mobility, that I may be damaging the shoulder. I am, however, consoled that nothing is strikingly obvious to the GP/physio/surgeon who have all seen an ultrasound of the shoulder, therefore I haven't done anything major yet in terms of damage and movement remains quite healthy. Have retained 90% of my bench strength, with 90kg for 6 reps, which isn't bad considering I've done no shoulder exercise for 6 months. Could push harder, but honestly I'm just glad to be exercising shoulders and chest again. Also gave my favourite shoulder press a go just to test the movement and everything checked out on a light weight. Will continue with it as I see fit and able.
Would love to come to this in my beast but will be in Singapore
Prior to ethanol, I was pulling away from a VE GTS in 2nd and 3rd. This tune should give me the edge on some of the quicker Eurotrash; M series Beamers, entry level 911s etc. Might have to get the old G-tech out and do some 0-100 times. Won't be an accurate representation given 1st gear doesn't really work anymore lol
It's missing 2 cylinders what gives?