I reckon it is. Minor things annoy me but rarely will a gym be perfect for what you want and by the sounds of it I have things better than most.
For the first time lastnight, I had someone approach me about my deadlift form. He's a membership consultant there and he approached me saying "I...I gotta say something man", shaking his head a bit. I said "What?". He says "You're going to end up injuring yourself, your back is arching when you deadlift." I was doing 170kg for reps, so I explained to him that when you're pushing close to your max effort, form will never be perfect. He says "So you don't think form is important?". I reply "No, don't put words in my mouth; form is very important, but if your form is absolutely 100% when lifting with maximum exertion, it likely is not your max effort. I've never had an injury from deadlifts and I could show you an 82kg lifter who can pull 290kg without injury and his form won't be "perfect". I appreciate your concern, but I disagree with your logic". He said "Alright, I'll leave it be, but..." and laughed to himself.
Next minute he's doing some cable exercise and I hear him complaining to his training partner about his back hurting..,wtf? Should have told him to lift the 170kg I doubt he could have even done one of them lol