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Everything posted by Birds

  1. I run BCPR6E dat quick warm up and rich tune
  2. This It's a 30 minute job that should be 10 minutes. And working with old hoses and screws, I'm ultra careful about the way everything goes back. I leave the valley cover off, so I can do 5 of 6 plugs without touching the pipe. But Nissan Y U put crossover pipe slightly too far over the 4th cylinder? If I had uni-joint sockets I could do it, but don't really like using those unless I have to.
  3. Adding to the VicRoads rip off saga... Just replaced spark plugs in car...it runs 63 times better...10,000km is too long for copper plugs in a modified car methinks. Though that interval was more out of procrastination.
  4. Until the next SW meet
  5. That's illegal son
  6. Haha true. His physique isn't that good, he's just 5 ft tall and looks wider than he is. Dude can't bench more than 3 of his own bodyweight, which is one of the reasons I didn't listen to him. Another is that I've seen him rock up to the gym on a motorbike wearing no safety gear, save for a helmet. And Jon overheard him saying he doesn't deadlift because a motorbike accident prevents him from doing so. Obviously knows how to take care of a back.
  7. Yes which is why I'm always polite if I disagree with advice. Have had people tell me I'm lifting too heavy on lat pulldown etc. It's tough not to assume they're saying it because they lift significantly less and it's their way of dealing with the dissonance that someone smaller than them can lift more. So I usually give benefit of the doubt.
  8. Max effort need not be a 1RM, my friend. It can be the last rep in a set. It can be the last set of an exercise where you are already fatigued to the shit.
  9. Rephrase please?N.B. If it was up to me you wouldn't use it at all!
  10. More dollars than cents
  11. Yes, stay off for as long as you stay on unless specified otherwise.
  12. Hnnnnng! Shit I'm getting old
  13. Yes, Hamish. He bought a Jeep. And if I had the moolah I would get a dark red SRT...and change it's god awful wheels. Aside from them, hnnnnng!
  14. He bought a jeep
  15. Simon in a relationship
  16. I reckon it is. Minor things annoy me but rarely will a gym be perfect for what you want and by the sounds of it I have things better than most. For the first time lastnight, I had someone approach me about my deadlift form. He's a membership consultant there and he approached me saying "I...I gotta say something man", shaking his head a bit. I said "What?". He says "You're going to end up injuring yourself, your back is arching when you deadlift." I was doing 170kg for reps, so I explained to him that when you're pushing close to your max effort, form will never be perfect. He says "So you don't think form is important?". I reply "No, don't put words in my mouth; form is very important, but if your form is absolutely 100% when lifting with maximum exertion, it likely is not your max effort. I've never had an injury from deadlifts and I could show you an 82kg lifter who can pull 290kg without injury and his form won't be "perfect". I appreciate your concern, but I disagree with your logic". He said "Alright, I'll leave it be, but..." and laughed to himself. Next minute he's doing some cable exercise and I hear him complaining to his training partner about his back hurting..,wtf? Should have told him to lift the 170kg I doubt he could have even done one of them lol
  17. So much subtlety
  18. SLS AMG on Toorak Rd hnnnng gotta be the same one I see every 6 months
  19. Looking to do some undercarriage work on your fixy?
  20. Don't look in mirror mate; film or get someone else to look at you. Side on mirrors twist your spine during a movement.
  21. Takes 5 minutes to put a car up and that's me being OCD about the arm placement. Work on car anytime ftw. Also handy for car storage as long as you have no leaks on the car above. Mates get you alcohol for letting them use it...crazy good.
  22. Sounds alright mate, choice is on you now You went the right way about it in the end. And keep that State Roads report, as it's a good bit of paper to have if/when you decide to sell yourself.
  23. Start light...with an empty bar or broomstick if you have to. It's important that you have the flexibility and mobility to pull the movement off before you even consider putting a working weight on there. It doesn't take that long to get used to it; from my teaching of it, usually about 3-4 sessions before someone has a decent balance while pressing the bar overhead and maybe 8-9 before they develop the mobility to touch the bar on their neck (based on someone with poor mobility to begin with).
  24. Kind of want folding bike from ALDI Have heard good quality, Alvin? https://www.aldi.com.au/en/special-buys/saturday-21-september-2013/saturday-detail-wk38/ps/p/foldable-bike/?pk_campaign=Adwords-SBW-WKC21SEP-BRAND-EXACTm-Foldable%20Bike&pk_kwd=Aldi%20Folding%20Bike
  25. My family has a lot of cars and projects and stuff. As soon as the hoist is in I will be there every weekend; I miss my hoist so much.
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