Plenty of anonymous philanthropic millionaires/billionaires who donate heaps to causes and that's just shits me when it takes someone to get that disease before they decide that that one is the disease worthy of more money for researching a cure. Celebrities do it all the time, starting foundations and poster childing for them...why not do something like this before something affects you. Otherwise I have to simply hope that more celebrities get more diseases? Which isn't a terribly nice mindset. Like I said, it's great that charities are finally getting money...just annoys me that someone important or wealthy had to suffer before attention was given to it.
I've personally seen nothing of breast cancer but donated plenty to that cause, plus some others that don't really affect me personally. It's just human nature that we're often not aware of something until we are personally affected - it's just sad, that's all.
Also lots of wealthy people donate money, but very few would donate proportionate to the average person (e.g. percentage of income), yet base cost of living technically would allow them to donate a higher percentage of what they earn than the average person and still live comfortable. People like Mark Zuckerberg are few and far between!